Nintendo Teaming with Netflix for Live Action Legend of Zelda Series?

The Wall Street Journal is reporting today that Nintendo is partnering with Netflix to deliver a live-action series based off of the Legend of Zelda.


Is the world ready for a live-action Tingle?

“The video streaming service is in the early stages of developing a live action series based on “Zelda,” about an ordinary boy named Link who must rescue a princess named Zelda and save a fantasy world called Hyrule, said a person familiar with the matter. As it seeks writers to work on the show, Netflix is describing it as “Game of Thrones” for a family audience.” According to an unnamed source that provided the info to the Wall Street Journal.

The report goes on to state that Netflix is till seeking out writers for the live-action Legend of Zelda project and that they are working closely with Nintendo.

No information was given as to a potential release date for the Legend of Zelda live-action series and Nintendo has not made any official statement regarding the report.

Source: Wall Street Journal

So what do you think about the potential for a live-action version of the Legend of Zelda? Will it end up being as good as the infamous Phillips CD-I Zelda games? Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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