Nintendo to Host Super Smash Bros and Splatoon 2 Tournaments at E3 2018

The world will get its first glimpse of competitive play for Nintendo’s next Super Smash Bros title for the Nintendo Switch during an open invitational, which is set to take place at E3 2018, the company announced Thursday morning.

Nintendo will presumably be inviting top Super Smash Bros players from around the world to showcase the mega-anticipated brawler, which was recently revealed to be in development for a late 2018 release date during a recent Nintendo Direct.

Nintendo also announced that they will be holding a Splatoon 2 World Championship event during E3 2018 as well.

It’s coming!!

Teams interested in taking home the top prize can participate online in the qualifying U.S./Canada Inkling Open 2018 qualifying events starting on April 21st. Interested teams should head over to to register.

Nintendo has often used various tournaments during E3 to showcase upcoming, or recently released titles. E3 2017 played host to a tournament for ARMS, as well as Splatoon 2. And of course, who can forget the multi-titled opus that was E3 2015’s Nintendo World Championships?

E3 2018 is set to take place June 12th – 14th and NerdBacon will be providing you with ridiculous amounts of coverage, including live reactions to ALL the major press conferences. So be sure to give us a follow on so  you can jump on board the E3 2018 party train with us!

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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