Noctis Arrives In Tekken 7 Next Week!

Tekken and Final Fantasy fans don’t have to wait much longer to enjoy the fruits of a surprising crossover between Namco Bandai and Square Enix.

Final Fantasy XV’s kingly lead, Noctis Lucis Caelum will claim his crown in Tekken 7 on March 20th, 2018, as part of that game’s first season of DLC, it was announced via a live stream Wednesday morning.

Noctis retains a number of his signature moves for his fighting debut in Tekken 7; namely the blade warp maneuver, which was a key feature of Final Fantasy XV’s combat system. A key location of Final Fantasy XV, the Hammerhead Garage will be included as Noctis’s home stage when the DLC arrived next week.

Noctis’s arrival is the third gaming crossover character to be featured in Tekken 7.

Demonic Street Fighter mainstay Akuma was part of Tekken 7’s launch lineup upon the game’s release last June, with SNK’s Fatal Fury/King of Fighters bad guy Geese Howard joining the Tekken 7 cast last December.

In other Tekken 7 news, support for the game among fans remains very strong. On Tuesday, EVO 2018 Tournament head, Joey Cuellar tweeted the current standings for which games featured at this year’s tournament have had the most entrants so far. Tekken 7 currently ranks 3rd, with the duo of Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros for Wii U trailing on its heels.


Are you excited to claim the title of the King of Iron Fist with Noctis when he debut’s in Tekken 7? Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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