Project Obscure

Project Obscure

Here at Nerd Bacon, we celebrate all eras and areas of video gaming.  We believe that any and all games deserve to be viewed and reviewed in their proper context, and though its founders may have a slant towards bygone systems, we’re still amazed and enthralled at the industry’s latest achievements.

However, as the result of our passion for all things video gaming, we’ve been led down the path of numerous forgotten and dismissed consoles.  Even if hoarding boxes full of dusty, semi-functional hardware isn’t up your alley, emulation has paved the way for these failed consoles to experience something of a renaissance among internet enthusiasts.  Whether it be through the comfort of your PC or the rush of actually powering on your bona fide hulking CD-i for the first time, we want to celebrate these marketing failures, mis-timed entrants to the scene, ridiculous business models, and victims of swaying public interest as best we can here at The Bacon.

Project Obscure is a collective, ongoing effort by the members of Nerd Bacon to shed light on these dark corners of the industry.  Be it more recognizable failures like the Sega Dreamcast and the Nintendo Virtual Boy, to rarer oddities like the 3DO and Atari Jaguar, all the way up to the virtually unknown offerings of the Apple Pippin and Amiga CD32, we’re making every effort to dig into the darkest recesses of our collections and let you judge for yourself if these games’ (and systems’) status as duds is well deserved or merely the product of a fickle, undiscerning public.

Be sure to check back regularly as we update our collection!

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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