Rare Wants You To Try Sea Of Thieves At Their Studio In England

It’s almost been a full year since Rare unveiled their long-awaited return-to-form project, Sea of Thieves, during Microsoft’s press event at E3 2015.

The title certainly looked intriguing. Who wouldn’t be a little excited about an open-world pirate game from the minds that brought us some of the greatest franchises in gaming history. Games like Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Battletoads, and countless other classics.

Since that initial revelation at E3, the company has gone silent on Sea of Thieves with nary a screen shot or whisper of Rare’s progress during the past year.

Today Rare finally is starting to hoist the info-sails on Sea of Thieves, and they are offering a few lucky gamers a chance be a part of the voyage.

Rare has announced that they will be holding a contest for a chance at an exclusive, hands-on demo of the upcoming title. First prize will be an all-expenses paid trip to Rare’s studio’s in England, where the winners will get to be the first in the world to play Sea of Thieves.

Entrants will need to submit either an image or a video proclaiming your excitement for the game. The announcement on the Sea of Thieves website, encourages potential contestants to use their creativity and imagination make their entries stand out from the crowd. It was also suggested that video submissions be succinct, as the longer the video is, the greater the chance that they will get bored and move on.

Anyone interested in entering just needs to post their submission to either the Sea of Thieves Facebook page, or their Twitter account by the time the contest closes on April 26th.

Now if you’ll pardon me, I need to figure out how to attach pirate sails onto my Mitsubishi 3000GT.

Sea of Thieves is currently in development for the Xbox One, however there is no official release date at this time.

Are you ready to live the pirate life in Sea of Thieves? Think you have what it takes to win that trip to England? Shake ye pirate booty in the comments section below.



Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line, hit me up at thewatchman@butthole.nerdbacon.com
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