ReCore – New Franchise from the Creator of Mega Man Announced

A new title from Keji Inafune, the creator of the Legendary Mega Man series, as well as the upcoming Mighty No. 9 is partnering with “the makers of Metroid Prime” for a brand-new title coming exclusively to the Xbox One.

Microsoft dropped the curtain on ReCore, a new title that appears to be an action/adventure title that will be arriving sometime during the spring of 2016.

recore screen

The ReCore footage featured a young lady having to battle a number of menacing robots who don’t seem very thrilled at her presence. The unnamed woman was accompanied by a dog-like robotic companion that helped keep her out of harms way, however he had to sacrifice himself in order to do so.

Each of the robots featured during the ReCore footage was equipped with a glowing orb-like object that can be removed. One would assume from the title of the game that the gameplay centers around removing core’s from various robotic bodies, although that has not officially been confirmed. The end of the footage however, does show the heroine taking her companion’s core and placing it in a larger robotic body, thus bringing it to life.

No solid details have been revealed yet about ReCore, however we will bring you more as they become available.

Be sure to check out NerdBacon’s continuing coverage of ReCore, as well as all the major stories from E3 2015 right here.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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