Nerd Bacon Celebrates Retroary! (Retro + February = Retroary)


When NerdBerry and The Cubist first started NerdBacon.comit was out of a love for / obsession with the video games from our childhood, namely those of the late 8-, 16-, and early 32/64-bit eras.  Not only has time pushed these older consoles into the background, but the releases of the Wii U in late 2012 along with the PS4 and Xbox One last November have further overshadowed the games and hardware of a time past.

Nerd Bacon definitely wants to stay on the edge of industry advancements, but we also want to take out time to honor our roots.  Besides, The Bacon’s founders still regularly pull this old stuff out and play it, hunt it down, and actively engage in finding and procuring decade-old (or more) games.  In order to focus on these timeless classics and utter garbage alike, we’ve dubbed the month of February “Retroary” and plan to place this month’s emphasis on all that the industry had to offer pre-2000.

Here’s what the team is playing and writing about to celebrate the occasion!  This isn’t representative of all of our retro content (check out the dedicated pages for listings of other games) but it is what we’ve dug out specifically for Retroary.  Head back over and check here daily as we crank out titles from a simpler age.

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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