Rip Your Enemies Apart In GUTS – EVO 2017

If you’ve ever looked at an on-screen opponent and wished that you could rip them apart limb from limb, not only is it likely that you may have some serious emotional issues, it’s also likely that you will seriously enjoy GUTS.

GUTS is new fighting game by Flux Game Studio, an independent developer based in Brazil. There are no health-bars or traditional ways of keeping score in GUTS. Instead, players unleash attacks in an attempt to knock every limb off of their opponents body. The action in GUTS continues on until one player has been reduced to a limb-less torso.

If that sounds completely over the top, you’re right. GUTS embraces a definite Monty Python-esque sense of humor to create something reminiscent of a modern day version of the arcade classic: Time Killers.

GUTS is also aiming to be approachable for those who don’t spend hours in a fighting game training lab every day. It forgoes many of the complex button combinations found in many of the paragons of the fighting genre, and instead focuses on getting players into the game effortlessly – and most importantly, letting them have fun quickly.

Check out our off-screen gameplay footage of GUTS from EVO 2017, as well as our interview with Co-Founder of Flux Game Studios, Paulo Luis Santos.


GUTS will be arriving on Steam, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One later this year.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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