Rising World – PC (Early Access First Impressions)

Platform: PC

Developer: JIW-Games

Publisher: KISS ltd

Release Date: To Be Determined

Genre: Survival, Action / Adventure

Nerd Rating: To Be Determined in follow-up review of full release

Thanks to JIW-Games providing me with a review copy, I recently had the honour of testing out the upcoming survival action adventure title Rising World. I would like to start this first impressions by saying that this is not a full review due to the fact that the title is not finished. I will follow this article up with a full review upon feeling confident that I have spent enough time with the full release when possible.

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While very similar to Minecraft and Rust in theory and current gameplay, Rising World is undeniably prettier than both. I could tell as soon as I started the game that the graphics and design of the world would be a major asset to this contender in the survival games genre. I did however notice that the beauty of this game caused some frame-rate issues. On my main PC which I built (and is more than capable of running this game), the frame-rate on max settings would constantly jump around from 40 to over 70. On my ASUS ROG G751JM gaming laptop however, the frame-rate would be anywhere from 20 to 50 on normal settings and would be constantly below 20 and unplayable on max settings.


Due to the fact that Rising World is still in development, many future plans have not been implemented at this time. Currently there are only two different raw materials (wood and stone,) and food is currently not available or necessary to survive. I do however admire that JIW-Games included many items that can’t yet be crafted with the proper materials as free-to-craft (not requiring any prerequisites,) allowing the players to test some of the items that will be craftable in the full release. Rising World has many different building materials currently available for free like concrete, bricks, etc allowing players to build until their hearts are content while they await further survival-esque traits to be added to the game. I also must commend Rising World for having a 100% working piano available in-game.


Rising World has a working multiplayer function complete with a server list, server favorites, server history, player-hosted servers, and server administrators. Most of the servers if not all of them had protection from griefers like building-protection from what I could tell. The multiplayer community of Rising World isn’t huge, but has enough players to make multiplayer fun. The biggest server was not in English, however that is normal considering that JIW-Games is a German company.


As with all early access titles, Rising World has its fair share of glitches like clipping through the map and dying. Glitches in an early access title are to be expected and can’t be held against the developers at this time. If you are into building, like Minecraft’s creative-mode, and have a pretty decent PC, then Rising World is more than playable at this time and I do recommend it at the current asking price of $15 USD ($14.99.) If you are looking for a survival game that will test your gathering, hunting, fighting, and building skills, then I would suggest waiting until Rising World gets a few more updates or is released fully. Rising World has a ton of potential, and I truly look forward to where JIW-Games take it.

Written by Justicescooby


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Hello, I’m Justicescooby! I’ve been playing video games since I was a little kid, and recently I made the switch to primarily PC gaming. I have my own YouTube channel where I upload gaming videos daily, and I am an active member of many gaming communities/forums. I enjoy writing, whether it be my books I never seem to finish, or writing reviews or articles. I am also an aspiring singer and actor, and currently take singing lessons.

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