Rocket League Will Have Televised Tournaments This Summer

Rocket League is coming to broadcast television next month.

NBC is preparing to enter the ever-expanding, increasingly lucrative world of Esports this July by televising Rocket League tournaments, according to a report from Mashable.

Online outlet Faceit will show the early stages of the 2 vs. 2 Rocket League tournament, with regional and August’s grand final events moving to NBC Sports, in the $100k championship series.

Rocket League is a pretty good choice for television

Rocket League is a pretty good choice for television

The article goes on to quote NBC Sports’ Senior Vice President of Sports Ventures, Rob Simmelkjaer as saying that the outlet had considered a number of different titles before ultimately choosing to partner with Rocket League, telling Mashable that the title was “growing at a nice clip” and that it had “great buzz surrounding it“.

[W]e thought that it had some sports DNA to it, which would be a good fit for us and for our audience — our sports-loving audience.”It’s obviously got this sort of soccer mash-up with with motor-sports, which are sports that we cover extensively on NBC Sports Network.

NBC television platforms won’t be the only place where Rocket League lands this year.

Psyonix, the game’s developers, announced during E3 2017 that Rocket League will be appearing on the Nintendo Switch this year.

Are you excited to see ace Rocket League players battle it out on the tube? Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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