Ryu and Roy! News and Notes From Super Smash Bros Nintendo Direct – E3 2015

New Super Smash Bros

This morning, Nintendo hosted a special pre-E3 Nintendo Direct to focus entirely on new content that is coming for Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.

It's really happening!

It’s really happening!

After months of rumors and leaks, Nintendo made it official, Ryu from Street Fighter II will be joining the Super Smash Bros cast, along with popular Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros series mainstay, Roy.

Nintendo has put a lot of thought and care into incorporating Ryu, along with the radical departure in style that he would bring, into the world of Smash. For instance, how do you reconcile Street Fighter’s six button layout with the simple, yet complex two button scheme offered by Super Smash Bros? Easy, timed button presses. The longer you hold Ryu’s attack button, the stronger the attack. A quick press will bring out a light attack, and longer presses bring out medium and heavy attacks. Makes sense, right? Nintendo also wanted to acclimate Street Fighter command inputs into Ryu’s Super Smash Bros incarnation. Up + an attack button will see Ryu pulling off the famed Shoryuken, however those familiar with Street Fighter can still use the classic forward, down,down/forward motion to perform the move as well. Doing the classic input motions will see Ryu performing a stronger versions of those moves.

A Super Smash Bros version of Ryu’s classic Temple stage is coming as well and his original Street Fighter II theme has been remixed by the original composer for the Street Fighter series, Yoko Shimomura.

Ryu wasn’t the only addition to Super Smash Bros that Nintendo wanted to discuss this morning.

Nintendo has a TON of new content awaiting Super Smash Bros fans.

They are releasing a plethora of new Mii Fighter costumes for use in Super Smash Bros, the most interesting of which were the additions of themed costumes from two other legendary fighting games; Virtua Fighter and Tekken. Mii Fighters will now be able to dress as Akira and Jackie Bryant from the Virtua Fighter series, and Heihachi Mishima from the Tekken series. It’s certainly an interesting mash-up of legendary fighting games that we will now see in Super Smash Bros.

Other Mii Fighter costumes will include Zero and Mega Man XE from the Mega Man series, and

Virtua Fighter and Tekken are getting representation in Super Smash Bros as well.

Virtua Fighter and Tekken are getting representation in Super Smash Bros as well.

Squid Boy and Squid Girl from Nintendo’s recently released arena shooter, Splatoon.

New Amiibo’s were also announced.

Hitting Store shelves soon will be R.O.B. the robot, the Duckhunt dog, Mr. Game & Watch, Falco (From Star Fox), and of course, Roy and Ryu.

Nintendo said that the plan will be to have all fighters that are currently in Super Smash Bros to be eventually represented in Amiibo form.

Another cool feature that Nintendo announced today is the ability to post your saved Super Smash Bros replays directly to Youtube. No word on when this feature will be out, but it shouldn’t be too much longer.

The biggest bombshell was saved for last. Ryu, Roy, and Lucas plus new stages, and all of the new Mii Fighter costumes are available for purchase and download starting today!

Nintendo pulled out all the stops on Super Smash Bros info this morning, so be sure to check out the Nintendo Direct for the complete round-up.

Be sure to check back with NerdBacon for our continuous coverage of E3 2015.

Excited for these new additions to Super Smash Bros? Shout your words of joy into our sound-box that is the comments section below.

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Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line, hit me up at thewatchman@butthole.nerdbacon.com
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