Rumor – Is Ryu Going to Dragon Punch His Way into Super Smash Bros?

New Super Smash Bros

An enterprising Reddit user has picked apart the latest file update for Super Smash Bros on the Nintendo 3DS and has made some surprising revelations.

According to a user going by shinyquagsire23, the newest Super Smash Bros update (which allows players to play as Mewtwo) contains audio files for a number of other potential Super Smash Bros combatants, including Ryu from the legendary Street Fighter Series.

The files uncovered by shinyquagsire23 are as follows:

  • snd_bgm_F27_AIR_MoriStage_3DS.nus3bank
  • snd_bgm_H12_BW_Sentou_Zekrom_Reshiram_3DS.nus3bank

    Is Ryu really coming to Super Smash Bros? This Baconeer has to admit that it would be pretty awesome if the rumor is true.

  • snd_bgm_SF01_SF2_Ryu_3DS.nus3bank
  • snd_bgm_T09_SDX_PupupuLand_3DS.nus3bank
  • snd_bgm_V01_PAC_PacMan_3DS.nus3bank
  • snd_bgm_Z80_F_Mewtwo_3DS.nus3bank
  • snd_bgm_Z81_F_Ryu_3DS.nus3bank
  • snd_bgm_Z82_F_Lucas_3DS.nus3bank
  • snd_bgm_Z83_F_Roy_3DS.nus3bank

While the rumor surrounding the arrival of the iconic Street Fighter poster boy making to Super Smash Bros is very exciting, we have to remember that this is just a rumor. Nintendo and Capcom have not commented as of yet and just because there are files included in the update does not mean that Nintendo would use them. Plus, if you listen to the Ryu theme, it sounds like it’s just a straight rip out of the arcade versions of Street Fighter II. So the whole thing may be a giant hoax.

On the other hand, why would Nintendo go to the trouble of including files like that if they didn’t intend to use them? We’ve also seen a number of surprising crossovers into the Super Smash Bros universe in the past, most notably with the appearance of Sonic the Hedgehog and Solid Snake from the Metal Gear series. Even this latest iteration of Super Smash Bros contains fellow Capcom legend Mega Man, so Ryu making a guest appearance is not out of the realm of possibility.

Nintendo also announced during this month’s Nintendo Direct presentation that they were opening an online poll to gauge what classic video game characters players would like to see as future DLC in Super Smash Bros.


With E3 2015 right around the corner, you can safely bet that Nintendo will spend a little bit of time discussing new content for Super Smash Bros. The addition of such a legendary character would make quite a splash.

Nintendo and Capcom have not yet commented on the rumor. Nerd Bacon will keep you updated with any developments.

Source: Reddit

Is Ryu someone you would like to see in Super Smash Bros? What other classic characters should show up to the fight? Lay your challenge down in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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