Ubisoft Talks Side Quests and Paris in Assassins Creed: Unity

The creative director for Assassins Creed: Unity, Alex Amancio has posted a video highlighting the city of Paris, as well as detailing some of the side-quests that players will be able to participate in as part of the next installment in the long running franchise.

Ubisoft is aiming to bring Paris to life in Assassins Creed: Unity, with districts that feature their own unique characteristics, NPC behavior, and architecture.

Assassins Creed: Unity also promises greater variety in side-quests. An improved contracts system will feature activities other than assassinations which Amancio says players will be able to approach in any way they choose. Would-be assassins could also stumble on murder mysteries which players can solve for a “unique reward” or even treasure hunts.

Check out the video below for more details on what Ubisoft has in store for Assassins Creed: Unity.

Assassins Creed: Unity will be released on November 11th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Are you pumped for Assassins Creed: Unity? Are you not pumped at all? We want to know! Sound off in ye ol’ comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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