So that’s what those Patents were for! Super Mario Party Debut’s – E3 2018

A mysterious series of patents filed by Nintendo in the months leading up to E3 2018 had many, including us, speculating that Nintendo could be working on a dedicated handheld system that is separate from their current hybrid system, the Nintendo Switch.

We recognized that the notion of a second handheld was sort of absurd, however, we felt at the time that past statement made by top Nintendo brass in the lead up to the launch of the Switch warranted a closer examination of what the patents could portend.

During Nintendo’s E3 2018 presentation Tuesday morning, the veil was finally lifted as to what they had been working on – wireless connectivity for multiple Switch as a new feature in Super Mario Party  a new title that was revealed as part of Tuesday’s Nintendo Direct presentation.

Certain mini games in Super Mario Party will require multiple Switch screens to be utilized, and action will seamlessly transition from one unit to the next -just like the action described in those patents.

You’ll get your chance to transfer as much party action as your little heart desires, when Super Mario Party launches for the Nintendo Switch on October 5th, 2018.

Be sure to stay on top of all of NerdBacon’s E3 2018 coverage right here!

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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