Sony Developing “Upgraded” PlayStation 4 – PlayStation 4K

Sony is working on an upgraded model of their PlayStation 4 home console, currently dubbed PlayStation 4K.

The story originally broke via Kotaku on March 18th, with developers informing the outlet that the new PlayStation 4 (Or PlayStation 4.5, as it was dubbed in the article) would feature an upgraded graphics processing unit (GPU) as well as a faster processor, which will allow the unit to run VR games more smoothly. The more muscular machine would also allow games to be output to 4K ready televisions, along with providing the power needed to produce higher quality visuals (really, really pretty) in titles released on the new platform.

Kotuku confirmed the information with multiple sources who told them that Sony had held meetings about the PlayStation 4K during this month’s Games Developer’s Conference.

The Wall Street Journal backed up the original Kotaku article on March 28th with a report of their own, stating that consumers would need to purchase the new model in order to take advantage of the enhanced graphics capabilities of the upgraded device. The WSJ article further noted that Sony plans to officially announce the PlayStation 4K prior to the release of the PlayStation VR, which is scheduled for an October debut.

Now more rumored details of the PlayStation 4K are emerging via an anonymous developer posting over at the NeoGaf forums. While the following details cannot be confirmed at this time, given the recent revelations that the machine does indeed exist, along with NeoGaf’s moderator verification process, (Mod’s will verify the credentials of someone who is leaking information to verify that they are a legitimate source) we feel that they warrant some hard consideration.

According to this source, Sony is looking at pricing the PlayStation 4K at $399 unless they are able to squeeze in a better CPU into the unit, which will bring the retail price up to $499. The source speculated that Sony may not have made a final decision as to whether or not they will upgrade the CPU. The GPU is supposed to be twice as fast as the current PlayStation 4 GPU. A 4K blu ray player will be built into the machine which has the ability to upscale current blu ray’s to 4K resolutions.

Sources confirm that Sony is planning on upgrading the PlayStation 4 hardware in the near future

Sources confirm that Sony is planning on upgrading the PlayStation 4 hardware in the near future

Development kits for the PlayStation 4K have been shipped to developers already, who are busy working on titles that will take advantage of the additional horse power provided by the machine. The source claims that the PS4K games will have “significant” differences between games designed to run on the original PlayStation 4 hardware.

The games that were mentioned as being designed to specifically take advantage of the PlayStation 4K are:

  • Deep Down (This was a title that Capcom showed off when the PlayStation 4 was originally announced and has fallen off the radar since that time.)
  • GOW4 (God of War 4)

Sony also revealed three titles that will be taking advantage of the PlayStation VR when it launches in October:

  • Eve Valkyrie
  • Robinson
  • GT Sport

The anonymous source also said that Sony is not planning any sort of upgrade programs for current PlayStation 4 owners, meaning that the 40 some million Sony faithful that have bought into Sony’s current generation will be left to the mercy of retail trade-in programs at stores like GameStop.

Furthermore, games that are designed for the current generation of PlayStation 4 hardware will not receive any sort of boost in graphics while running on the new device.

Sony has so far refused to comment on the bevy of stories that have come out over the past week confirming the existence of the PlayStation 4K. If this new upgraded machine is real, and all indications are that it is, then we will probably hear further details about what Sony is planning at E3 2016 this June.

Is an upgraded PlayStation 4K a good idea? Would you buy one? Or has history proven that fracturing a hardware base, ala the Sega CD and Sega 32X a recipe for disaster? Let us know in the comments section below


Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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