Spider-Man For PlayStation 4 Features More Experienced Peter Parker – E3 2017

There’s no doubt that Spider-Man for the PlayStation 4, was one of the most impressive showings out of all the games on display so far at E3 2017.

Sony allowed Spider-Man to act as the capstone to their E3 2017 presentation, and it didn’t disappoint. (Well, except for the 2018 release date)

On Tuesday afternoon, the developers from Insomniac Studios stopped by the official PlayStation stage to chat for a bit about Spider-Man, and offer a bit of insight into the game’s development.

This incarnation of Spider-Man will feature a completely original story written by Insomniac. While the saga of young Peter Parker has been told countless times before, the team at Insomniac didn’t want to rehash a story that had previously been told.

They said that in their version, Peter is older, more experienced. He’s no longer learning how to be Spider-Man at this point, because he’s now at the height of his power. They said that they chose this route, rather than the more popular origin story, because they wanted the player to really feel like they are Spider-Man when they pick up the controller.

They also said that they were really focusing on trying to capture various elements of Peter’s personality. He’s a smart kid, and they wanted that to come through, however, they also wanted to make sure Spider-Man’s famous quips and one-liners were liberally represented as well. The team has challenged themselves with creating a large enough variety of dialogue for Spider-Man that we won’t hear the same line repeated very often.

Spider-Man will also feature a massive open-world version of New York City.

They said that they wanted the city of New York to feel like it was its own character.

Players will have free reign to explore every nook and cranny of the digital version of the Big Apple. In fact, the team was said to be using huge, detailed maps of every borough and neighborhood from NYC as a source of inspiration for the game.

They also drove home the point that what we saw at the end of Sony’s conference was in-fact, actual gameplay from the title.

We will undoubtedly be hearing more about Spider-Man as E3 2017 progresses.

What are your thoughts on Spider-Man? Is he your hero? Or are you not so friendly with the web-slinger? Let us know in the comment’s section below.

Be sure to check out the rest of NerdBacon’s E3 2017 coverage right here!

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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