Star Fox Zero Revealed – Co Developed With Platinum Games – E3 2015

After teasing its existence during E3 2014, Nintendo has finally showed off the next iteration of the Star Fox franchise today during their E3 2015 Nintendo Direct.

Star Fox Zero is described as neither a sequel, yet not a remake of the original either. Instead, series creator and industry legend Shigeru Miyamoto called Star Fox Zero a “re-imagining” of the series, utilizing elements and ideas that they were not able to incorporate into previous Star Fox titles.

Miyamoto spoke about his various inspirations for Star Fox Zero. The arches of temple located near the area where he grew up gave rise to the concept of flying through a city. The classic anime series Thunderbirds sparked the concept of a team of pilots flying and fighting fantastical enemies. Even Miyamoto’s background as a cartoonist carried over into the design of Fox and the rest of Star Fox Zero’s cast of characters.

All of these elements and inspirations combined to create a new start for the Star Fox series, hence the reason behind it being dubbed Zero.

Star Fox Zero will utilize the Wii U Gamepad in a new way to give you the sensation of piloting an Arwing fighter. Players will use the gyroscope sensor of the Gamepad to look around and aim at enemies, as if they were in a cockpit, while the third-person action is displayed on the actual television screen. Subtle sounds will also emit from the Gamepad speakers to add to the immersion.

Miyamoto’s biggest revelation for Star Fox Zero didn’t occur until after the conclusion of the Nintendo Direct. During Nintendo’s Treehouse Live stream, (which you can watch right here) Miyamoto revealed that Star Fox Zero is being co-developed by none other than Platinum Games: makers of intense action games like Metal Gear Rising: Revengance, as well as last year’s fantastic Wii U title, Bayonetta 2.

No specifics were given as to what role or ideas from Platinum are being incorporated into Star Fox Zero, however we will bring you more as it develops.

Star Fox Zero is due out by Holiday 2015.

Stay tuned to NerdBacon for more news on Star Fox Zero, as well as the rest of the biggest announcements from E3 2015 right here.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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