Star Wars Battlefront Trailer Revealed

On April 17th, Electronic Arts released the first official gameplay trailer for Star Wars Battlefront, and it’s pretty epic if I do say so myself. The trailer features a multitude of battle options that you can play including land battles in different planet-scapes as well as dogfights in the skies.

It’s been ten years since the last Star Wars Battlefront game has been released on consoles. Ten years is a very long time in the world of technology, and consoles (as well as PC’s) have improved drastically in that amount of time. The original Battlefront games were impressive during their time so it should be interesting to see the translation to the current-gen consoles.

While Star Wars Battlefront should make improvements and add its own flair to the series, I do believe it should try to keep in touch with its roots. One of the things that was really great about the original Star Wars Battlefront was the large variety of combat locations and classes. I would like to see Star Wars Battlefront keep with this tradition and possibly add more.

Being a fan of this series, I am stoked that it’s getting a reboot, and one that looks promising at that. Only time will tell if Star Wars Battlefront will live up to high expectations from new and existing fans. Star Wars Battlefront will be released on November 17th of this year (2015), hopefully without delay.

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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