Starlink: Battle for Atlas Shows a Surprising Amount of Depth – E3 2018

I have to admit that I’ve been both really intrigued by the possibilities offered in the upcoming Nintendo Switch space opus, Starlink: Battle for Atlas; however, I’ve also been really nervous about it.

Intrigued because I’m always ready to play a great space combat game, as there are far too few on the markets right now. I’m also intrigued over the main gimmick in the game – its toys-to-life gimmick that features swap-able toy parts that translate to upgrades for your ship. It’s this aspect though, that fuels my trepidation. Just how much will the game rely on these parts? Will I need to have a bucket of old parts lying around my house for years after I’m done playing the game?

Ubisoft dropped by the Nintendo Treehouse stage at E3 2018 to talk a bit more about Starlink: Battle for Atlas, and while my fears about the physical hook of the game haven’t completely been asuaged, my optimism for the game is far outweighing my reservations.


Because Starlink: Battle for Atlas looks friggin great!

You can tell that there are a lot of different influences from other titles that are pouring into Starlink: Battle for Atlas.

Any space-based combat game will automatically invite comparisons to the classic Colony Wars series, which graced the PlaySation back in the mid-90’s; however you can also see plenty of influences from a more recent release from the PlayStation 4: No Man’s Sky.

That’s because Starlink: Battle for Atlas takes place in a dynamic open world star system with a number of fully realized planets that players can explore. Much like No Man’s Sky, players can seamlessly visit these planets at any time and explore their vast array of secrets, lore, and ecosystems. There are no loading screens as players descend upon one of these new worlds and, much like No Man’s Sky, the feeling of size and grandeur the player receives when arriving or leaving a planet can be awe-inspiring.

Unlike the aforementioned No Man’s Sky however, there is actually stuff to do in Starlink: Battle for Atlas.

Each planet has it’s own ecosystem which can be explored and resources can be gathered to help create new weapons. Players can also get to know the locals, as there are a number of races, each with their own history and rivalries.

While of the exploratory elements certainly look nice, the main event that’s going to bring people to the dance is in how the combat plays.

Luckily, the Starlink: Battle for Atlas combat looks deep and fulfilling – almost like a souped up version of a Star Fox game, which makes sense considering Star Fox will make an appearance in the Nintendo Switch version.

The action appears to have a nice flow to it. There are plenty of dodges and rolls that can be performed in order to evade enemy fire. There’s even a jump button, which will blast your thrusters towards the surface of the planet, allowing you to quickly ascend – jump – as another means of evasive maneuvers. One other neat element we saw was that a perfectly timed press of the shield button will allow the player to parry and attack.

Boss characters in the game look like absolutely massive mix of robotic and organic design. Each one had its own weak points and special attacks, again hearkening back to Star Fox enemy design.

As we mentioned earlier, Nintendo’s Star Fox property will be making an appearance in the Nintendo Switch version of the game. The Starlink Battle for Atlas Starter Pack will get you one of Fox McCloud’s signature Arwing fighters, while also allowing you to participate in exclusive Star Fox related story missions that explain how Fox and his crew arrived in the world of Starlink: Battle for Atlas.

Lastly, and speaking to my fears a bit, additional real world physical upgrade material is purely optional, and Starlink: Battle for Atlas can be completed with just the Starter Pack.

I don’t think there is any possible way that I can resist buying this..I mean.. It’s Star Fox!!!

I’m eager to see if Starlink: Battle for Atlas will properly scratch the eternal itch I have for a good space combat game. We’ll know for sure when the game releases on October 16th, 2018.

Do you think Starlink: Battle for Atlas will be the cure for my medically diagnosed space rash? Or will I go on itching with an alien ferocity for the rest of my life? Let us know in the comments section below.

Be sure to stay on top of all of NerdBacon’s E3 2018 coverage right here!


Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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