Steam Machines Materialize; Valve Joins Linux Foundation


Platform: SteamOS

Developer: Valve Corporation

Release Date: OS January 2014, hardware starting January 2014

By Malefico

A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about the impending release of Steam Machines, Valve Corporation’s blend of PC and game console. This week, Steam opened up a bit about its hardware, software and plans for the immediate future. After reading all the articles available, I wanted to break the situation down, Bacon-style and offer some speculation on the future of this platform. Wile I was excited (and still am) about the possibilities Valve’s new hardware/software will offer, I’m less optimistic about their future.

Valve is the company behind Steam, the online digital distribution giant. Valve also developed and published of a number of hit PC game titles- Counter Strike, Half Life, Left4Dead, Portal and Team Fortress count among its franchises that have found wide fan bases and Steam community support. In addition to its own games, Steam distributes a large number of titles from big corporate shops and tiny indie studios. From humble beginnings, Steam has risen to dominate online distribution. Recently, larger companies like EA’s Origin have attempted to bury Steam in an avalanche of advertising, much to the derision of PC gamers across the planet.

Last week, Valve made news by joining the Linux Foundation, the large community of Linux users and programmers who evolve Linux on a daily basis. I didn’t know this, but according to Jim Zemlin, the Foundation’s Executive Director “the Linux kernel (the part of the OS that manages input/output requests from software and turns them into coherent data and instruction for the CPU) changes 8 ½ times per hour with 10,000 lines of new code written per day”1. It was a smart move, albeit necessary; Valve can now leverage the power of thousands of talented Linux coders all over the world to improve its software platform and in return the community reaps the benefits of the research Valve has been doing to optimize Linux for gaming.


Valve has a long history of freely sharing its goodies with the rest of us nerds. Every game they release enables the user to at least make basic change via a development console, and using their Hammer Editor users can make new models, skins and playgrounds for the enjoyment of all.

By aligning itself with Linux officially, Valve has taken the next step toward carving itself a niche in the console gaming market.

But has it overstepped itself? SteamOS, while showing great promise for the future, is still very much a work in progress. Early users say the interface is taken directly from Steam’s Big Picture feature for current PC users. Aside from the games, and very basic browsing functions, it’s lagging far behind other devices in the market space. No media playback and no streaming of movies, etc. (though Valve is talking to Netflix, Hulu and others to incorporate these services) means it simply can’t compete with MS and Sony, whose platforms offer media features far above SteamOS. Since the first Steam Machines will launch in January, 2014, they clearly won’t be on par with MS and Sony at the outset.


About a month ago, Valve shared some early pictures and details about the Steam Machine development prototype it will be shipping to 300 lucky member of the Steam community. While the box is based on PC industry-standard components, its configuration is all console. Hardware beta testers get a core i7 CPU and GTX 780 video card to play with among other things. Since this prototype is basically a reference model, it’s instructive to the testers as well as hardware vendors (Valve will not manufacture Steam Machines itself, rather any manufacturer can design a box and install SteamOS) that Valve was able to get high-end, high-heat components like this to live together in harmony in a very small space.

The solution (ultimately all good ones are) is elegant and simple. Place a plastic shroud to separate the main components and provide individual exterior vented sections for the pieces themselves.2


The Steam Controller, too is worth mentioning. Valve poured a lot of time and money into developing a new controller design- the intent being to outperform current stick models found… well… everywhere else. According to Steam insiders, the controller has gone through a number of mild to wild iterations. Valve toyed with visionary ideas like hand-held devices where all the input was received via touchscreen, or from track balls (a very old concept that has its roots in early arcade games) before finally deciding the controller would have two ultra-sensitive touch pads, a small touchscreen that also recognizes gestures, and of course more conventional input buttons found on the bottom side. They have also included a haptic feedback system that transmits sensory information to the thumbs.3

The results are both good and bad in my opinion. Reports from people who have actually used the device say the level of control is phenomenal, but not entirely intuitive. Gamers in general like tactile sensation. From the simple resistance of keys to the more complex rumble of console controllers, we want to feel something that acknowledges our input is being received. With the only real sensation coming from vibrations under the thumbs, will the new controllers feel “weird” to the majority of gamers?


The company seems to be following its proven model of generosity in the hardware department. Unlike MS and Sony devices the Steam Machine uses commonly available parts that are 100% customizable by the user. Although this is a laudable philosophy, I’m starting to wonder if any consumer will care, for reasons I’ll go into later.


At least two hardware companies are jumping on the bandwagon already. At the end of November IbuyPower, a manufacturer of gaming systems announced it will sell at least two Steam Machines, code-named Gordon and Freeman- a nod to the protagonist in the Half-Life series. With a starting price point of $500, the company promised the capability of running any SteamOS game at 60FPS and 1080p. While the company didn’t release full specs, they did say they would be using an AMD chip and R9 270 GPU. The device has a 500GB drive also includes wi-fi and Bluetooth, so it’s probably sitting on an A88 board. I never understood why big builders limit drive size of all things when a 1TB drive costs about $10 more than a 500GB drive. RAM on the lower end device would be 4-8GB. With PSU and hard drive that would be doable with volume pricing on the parts, since the SteamOS is free. The pricier model will no doubt be much like Valve’s prototype, spec-wise.


Last week, a company called Piixl announced its plans to market a box called Jetpack. This Steam Machine will feature high-end components and mount to the back of HDTVs themselves, taking up zero space on your entertainment center. Although the hardware specs are impressive (similar to the Valve’s prototype), I’m dubious of their placement choice. Aside from sudden catastrophic failure of the mounting bracket, what about placing the pricy rig between another heat-generating device and a wall? While it’s novel, I’d be hesitant about strapping a relatively heavy device to my TV whether it was sitting on a flat surface or hanging in space. And to get the parts shoehorned into the diminutive height required for the device, they have to be using what is in effect a riser card for the PCI-E slot. This is a simple adapter that plugs into the slot and then turns 90-degrees, effectively mounting the video card in horizontal position. That being said, I see no vents on the side of the unit that’s open to the air, the only possibility would be vents on the side facing the back of the TV, or small areas on the sides of the unit. It would take some doing to keep high-end cards like the GTX 780 cool in that environment, shroud or no.


Valve also talked about its short-term strategy. Instead of going after the console big boys, it wants to entice PC gamers into the living room with its Steam Machines. While I now understand why they aren’t aggressively pursuing console gamers, I still doubt the efficacy of their strategy. Granted, I’m in a somewhat rarefied position, but many PC gamers are also diehard hardware enthusiasts. Why would we go out and buy a device limited to running SteamOS when we can just partition a drive or buy a new one and install it on our current systems? Unless Steam makes that impossible it makes no sense. But why would a company noted for its generosity with code do that, and more to the point, could they? Linux is an OS built by coders, for coders, although its use has spread fa beyond that to smart phones and even applications outside the realm of personal computing. It’s certain that any OS built on Linux would be cracked open in short order, and by attempting to limit access they would be violating the basic tenet of Linux, that the software is and will always be free and open to anyone who wants to use it.


Color me confused.

I’m unable to see any good result for Valve given the current direction of their program. They have an OS that can’t compete with PlayStation or X Box, and hardware that aside from a small form factor has nothing to offer PC gamers. I can get the Big Picture experience, if I want it by using that feature. And I can dual-boot any tower using Windows and SteamOS if I choose.

Then again, I won’t pretend to be smarter than the folks who run Valve. Steam, now THE giant in online digital distribution had a rocky and uncertain start. And Valve has proven to be a company that never rushes into things. Maybe that’s the root of the difficulties I’m having processing all this. I’m sure they’ve planned for contingencies that escape me, and have spent considerable time working out the details. But for all that, I’m still ambivalent about the details that have come to light.

The whole thing seems disorganized and haphazard to me. Why would you start a new venture with inferior software and hardware that fails to distinguish itself in any way except raw power (for console gamers, we PC nerds have been used to this level of performance for some time)? The console industry is rife with examples of good hardware that ultimately became extinct.

It seem more logical to me to evolve the OS until it becomes competitive in the market, then possibly release the controller to give players some time to adjust to the differences, and finally pique their interest by rolling out hardware that takes full advantage of both. Maybe Valve is feeling the financial pinch of the R&D necessary to develop the boxes and controllers and feels the need to start making some money off the projects.

There is a Zen proverb which states, “The fox that chases two rabbits will catch neither one.” The question on my mind is, who is the fox, and who (or what) are the rabbits? Does Valve hope to leverage its dominance in online gaming to attract people to its OS, and the rapid development potential of Linux to quickly catch up to and then surpass the console software? Will PC gamers pony up the dough for a device that as of now has inherent limitations, instead of just installing the OS on their current systems? How long will hardware manufacturers support the Steam Machines if early sales are weak?

Weird. I’m interested to see what becomes of all this. Those who read my first article may remember the “shark” imagery used. I’m now leaning toward the humbling reality that the shark may just be a manatee with delusions of grandeur.


  1. Hern, Alex, The Guardian, “Valve joins the Linux Foundation in run up to Steam Machine console launch”, December 5, 2013
  2. Gilbert, Ben, Engadget, “This is Valve’s Steam Machine prototype and SteamOS (hands-on)”, November 4, 2013
  3. Hollister, Sean, The Verge, “We play with the Steam Machine, Valve’s game console of the future”, November 4, 2013

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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  • Good point Shadow. Linux is a cool OS, but it’s always been the realm of the PC elite, folks “in the know” who can deal with all the command line utilities, etc. and the differences that set it apart from Windows and Mac.

    Malefico December 16, 2013 1:08 am Reply
  • You were Mal. Handled very well. I don’t feel like Samba actually read your article lol. Bc he bashed you for saying things that you ACTUALLY DID NOT say haha.

    Oh well, great points were made. One point you made Mal really really makes great sense. I get what samba is saying about being able to swap out GPU and Video cards and disc drives and shit. But I don’t know how to do that! That’s why I play consoles! FURTHERMORE, I buy gaming consoles so I can get these particular elements of a gaming machine and every game made is compatible with all of the machines components. I don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on a Steam Machine just to spend hundreds more to upgrade every little part of it. Again, MS, Nintendo, and Sony have taken the guesswork out for my convenience. And I’m perfectly okay with that.

    I think what Samba failed to do, being the masterful and ever-knowing IT professional that he is (oh, hey! We got a famous person checking out our site Cubist! We’re on our way), was view this Article from the mind of a console gamer. Malefico hit it from all angles. Spot on Mal! Reppin’ the Nerd with knowledge and respect.

    NerdBerry December 15, 2013 6:01 pm Reply
    • While i may disagree with Samba on a few points, i do believe he brings up a new perspective – a PCist that would like to penetrate the console market. Where i think he diverges in the wrong direction is his opinion of what console gamers want to do. Like Nerdberry, I think they tend to be simpler and the open source and modifying ability will be lost on a significant part of the console market. The average gamer age is 30 and the average age of PC gamers is 37, but consoles are far more aimed at younger audiences. I don’t know too many people my age or younger who have consoles AND tinker with PCs. Most have a wii or Xbox 360 if anything.

      Shadow Links December 15, 2013 9:59 pm Reply
  • SteamOS is in beta right now. It’s a huge folly to try and judge it as if it were a finished and polished product like the Xbox 360 interface. Also, there’s the incorrect assumption presented in this article that Steam Machines are specialized systems. They are not. They’re just PCs. That computer you’re probably reading this from right now? That could be a Steam Machine by installed the free SteamOS on it. Think about that for a sec.

    So what’s the point of SteamOS, Steam Machines and such? It’s about bringing the power of FOSS (free open source software) to the gaming market in a huge way. Tired of having whatever Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo force upon you? Do you wish you could customize your gaming experience to suit your wishes? Tired of being locked into proprietary controllers, consoles, cables, online subscriptions to access content you’ve already paid for (ie Netflix)? Well hey, Valve hears you and is putting the power into YOUR hands now. Did your Xbox 360 hard drive fill up and you want to buy a new one? Just pick up ANY hard drive you want, from whoever you want to buy it from, in whatever size you want and plug it in. Did your Xbox 360 dvd drive die? Congrats, you get to pay Microsoft for their proprietary DVD drive? Why didn’t they just use a standard part? Why it’s so you have to pay them more money of course! Wish you could have even better graphics in your Playstation but don’t feel like waiting and paying for their next console? With a Steam Machine you could just buy whatever graphics card you want whenever you want and put it in. No need to listen to that annoying PC gamer friend of yours brag about how his PC games look much better than your outdated console. Wish you could put a web browser, or pick your favorite one into your gaming console? Hey, it’s open source I’m sure someone in the world did that for you and released it… FOR FREE. If not, you can do that yourself! That’s the power of an open source approach.

    I don’t see the point of bashing a controller that you haven’t used yet. If you don’t like the Steam controller just quit bitching and plug in any USB controller you like. Is SteamOS ready for the mainstream right now? Well it’s in beta so of course it isn’t. If you actually listened to what Gabe Newell said in his speech at LinuxCon 2013 then you’d know they were putting it out as early as they can so that you have a strong voice in the direction of its development. Do the other console makers do that? Noooooooooo way. That’s the power of an open source community.

    Over the last decade we’ve seen consoles try more and more to be like PCs. Isn’t it time we approach this from the other side and work towards having PCs that can work more like consoles? The exciting thing about what Valve is doing isn’t what it will be in 2014 but the empowering possibilities it opens up for the future. That’s the route Valve is taking. By using Linux to power this, you can get free OS updates to stay current with technology rather than use an OS from 2001 (ie Windows XP that the author uses). Also, it’s technically impossible for the system this author described as his own to in any way compete graphically with an Xbox One or PS4. I say this as an IT professional who’s built many systems for fun and profit, as a guy who’s IT work has taken him in data centers all over the world, and as a guy who defends the infrastructure of a Fortune 500 company.

    Samba de Amigo December 15, 2013 3:00 pm Reply
    • Hey Samba,

      Welcome to the Bacon. I think you made some incorrect assumptions about my point of view. Just because you found the article on a site that features mostly console content doesn’t mean it’s all about Nintendo, MS and Sony. I’m a diehard PC gamer who has no interest, other than the system architecture in the new consoles.

      Yes, SteamOS is in beta, but not for much longer since the first Steam Machines are slated to ship in January. That’s not a lot of time to get the kind of features this OS will need if it is to attract console gamers. I’m assuming this is the audience Steam will go after, if not now then soon. When you start shipping hardware with an OS, users should have a reasonable expectation that they will be receiving a finished product, updates and patches excepted. Consumers these days expect certain capabilities in an OS; my point here is that unless the SteamOS can offer at least some of the features that the consoles have, it’s benefits are going to be lost on the large number of console gamers out there.

      Paragraph two: Yep, open source, I get it, should do great things for the indie developers and by extension the gaming world in general. I use Linux on another tower and like it. All your points about compatibility and upgrade options were made by me in my first article, here. But because of the space constraints, Steam Machines look more like consoles inside than they do PCs. And when they ship, they will be specialized machines despite the industry standard hardware; the OS will limit what they can do unless and until the user decides to change that.

      I wasn’t really bashing the controller, just pointing out, correctly I think that consumers who are used to certain hardware features like joysticks may not respond positively to a controller that incorporates unfamiliar elements, or familiar elements like rumble in different ways. And to your point about being able to use any USB controller, then why spend the time and money developing something yourself? There are a number of good PC controllers out there.

      Overall, the point of this article is that I don’t understand why Valve is pushing the hardware end of things. If they had announced the OS and then a year or so from release, once it was solid and had a library of compatible games established they wanted to roll out some supporting devices, that would make more sense. A year after release a system based on mini-ITX (but in a more standard mini-ITX case) would probably work out better for them. The Steam Machines are probably not going to appeal to console gamers because most (not all) console folks don’t want to dive in to their device to make it better. And they are not going to appeal to PC users like me because if I want a mini-ITX system I’ll build one. I see no reason to buy a Steam Machine when I can just download the OS and make it run on a system I already own.

      I see Valve trying to reinvent the wheel when all the parts they need except the OS are already out there. There’s no need to package your hardware in specific cases like the iBuyPower and Piixl units when there are a lot of good cases available; there’s no need to go to the time and expense of researching and developing a controller when there are a bunch of those on the market. If one tries to argue that the point of the Steam Controller is hackability, then I’d say there are good reasons why that’s a bad idea. Online gaming only succeeds when all the players are on a nearly level field. If talented modders start seriously changing the capabilities at the controller level, they may be having fun but a lot of gamers who don’t want to take on a second hobby (modding hardware) to enjoy the first hobby (gaming) will be turned off and will probably go back to their consoles.

      To sum up, as I said in my article I’m not sure who Valve is courting with this avalanche of hardware and software. SteamOS looks promising but still needs some development to appeal to the masses, and that development should occur largely before its included as part of a hardware package. And I think the release of Steam Machines is premature; they offer nothing to attract console or PC gamers right now.

      As for the POS, I use XP to demonstrate PC game compatibility, a feature console folks don’t have, or only have in very limited scope. As I demonstrated in my review of the CnC package, I can load and play games almost two decades old with no problem. But you were right about one thing, I vastly underestimated the graphics capability of the new consoles and I’ll have to change that part of my profile.

      Malefico December 15, 2013 4:12 pm Reply
    • What the fuck man? Relax a little. (@ Samba)

      The Cubist December 15, 2013 4:42 pm Reply
      • Really? I thought I was pretty polite… I’m going to defend the article rationally, but I don’t mean to step on toes.

        Malefico December 15, 2013 5:06 pm Reply
        • Sorry man, I know it looks like my comment is a reply to yours, but it’s really a reply to this Samba guy. I was asking HIM to relax, not you.

          The Cubist December 15, 2013 11:22 pm Reply
          • No worries man, I made the connection because your comment hit my inbox right after I posted my response.

            It’s all good in the Bacon hood.

            Malefico December 16, 2013 12:54 am Reply
  • You can install steam in Linux (I have) and there are quite a few compatible games already… not many “AAA” titles but personally I don’t care much for most of those…

    cursethemountain December 11, 2013 7:34 pm Reply
  • So console codes…is that a thing of the past? Or is the Steam OS going to have an onscreen keyboard? And what about Nexus Mods, can we use those on the new console? Sorry too many questions, I’m still exited to see what it’s all about, thanks for the review Malefico.

    Dovahkyle December 9, 2013 4:16 pm Reply
    • Well,just like any PC the SM’s will have a bunch of USB ports. I expect keyboard support as that’s one of the most basic things you build into a PC OS and Linux already has it. I’m sure they’ll have an on-screen keyboard as well for those who don’t want to plug in a keyboard.
      Since it’s a Linux OS, I expect users will have the capability to work with different mods to a high degree. What I don’t understand is why they didn’t just use a free Linux OS and plug their interface and other crap into it? At least then they’d have a full-featured OS…

      Malefico December 9, 2013 5:25 pm Reply
      • I agree, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, must be an agenda we don’t see yet.

        Dovahkyle December 9, 2013 9:22 pm Reply
      • Steam os is big picture mode on Linux there is no need for a keyboard (except for installation I assume) it’s navigable by the controller. It is more for people who don’t care to have a “full featured” desktop they just want to play their games…

        cursethemountain December 11, 2013 11:55 pm Reply
  • So, what exactly is the Steam Machine going to be? A console that plays PC games? Or like a gaming-geared PC? Some of this went a little over my head!

    The Cubist December 9, 2013 1:08 pm Reply
    • If i had to wager a definition, its a PC running SteamOS that looks like a console, plays like both, and costs the same or more than a console. More or less a true media center platform or at least thats it’s aim. How it actually turns out remains to be seen.

      Shadow Links December 9, 2013 1:54 pm Reply
      • Yep, the only benefit is that even the $500 model runs games at true HD and 60 FPS.

        Malefico December 9, 2013 5:20 pm Reply
    • Hey Cube,

      Basically it’s a small form factor PC built to look like a console. They’re using PC parts to build them. However, the OS is what really determines what a given box will do. So Essentially if one of the Steam Machine drives were wiped clean you could put Windows on it, or reinstall SteamOS, or both (dual-boot). Right now SteamOS is very limited. If they include a streaming feature (and they’re supposed to) you could hook up you PC or stream wirelessly to get your Windows games to run through the SM. Then all new games written for SteamOS would be installed and run from the SM directly. When Valve first posted the OS page, they did promise 100% forward and backward compatibility with all Steam games. But it’s obvious now that will be accomplished by transmitting data from Windows games through the SM.
      As far as the hardware goes, it seems clear they will eventually target console gamers with these. Why else build a PC that looks like and its into the space a console would, and have it use a console-like controller?
      But like I said, I can’t see a wide market for these. Unless they build a Linux/SteamOS library of games right quick there’s no reason to buy one. Unless Steam plans to give Windows developers the finger (not), it’s going to take a while for there to be enough games to make it worthwhile to buy one just for its own games. If you have bank and wanted to shell out the cash so you could game in your living room through your “real” PC, I guess it makes sense… But like I mentioned in the article currently the SteamOS doesn’t even support media playback, or any of the popular social media or streaming services like Hulu or Netflix. They’re talking to folks now to get those features into the OS but they don’t have much time before launch…

      Malefico December 9, 2013 5:17 pm Reply
    • Hope my comment made it to you instead of Shadow, I was apparently shredding too fast. If you didn’t get it just read the comment under Shadow’s post.

      Malefico December 9, 2013 5:19 pm Reply
  • Thanks for the comment Shadow. No question in my mind… Unless Valve does some major fast stepping over the next month the OS is gonna tank. Nobody wants a game machine that only plays games. Without even basic media playback, you can’t even go to Youtube. I’m sure they’ll be able to get the big social media and movie sites on board, but all that needs to happen before release, not as some kind of update.

    Malefico December 9, 2013 12:01 pm Reply
  • Still too many question marks about the OS considering that is what everything seems to be hinging on.

    Shadow Links December 9, 2013 9:18 am Reply

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