Street Fighter V Returns To ESPN2 – EVO 2017

The main event of EVO 2017 will make its return to ESPN2.

Organizers for the Evolution Championship Series, better known as EVO, announced Tuesday that Street Fighter V’s top 8 will once again be broadcast on ESPN2.

This marks the second year in a row that ESPN2 has chosen to broadcast the top 8 of EVO’s Street Fighter V tournament.

ESPN2 will once again be broadcasting Street Fighter V coverage from EVO 2017.

ESPN2 will once again be broadcasting Street Fighter V coverage from EVO 2017.

For those unfamiliar, EVO 2017 is the world’s largest, most prestigious fighting game competition held annually in Las Vegas, Nevada. Now in its 15th year, EVO 2017’s 3-day competition will feature tournaments across nine different fighting games, and has set the standard for the burgeoning fighting game tournament scene, as well as helped pioneer the emerging popularity of eSports.

This year’s Street Fighter V tournament will feature over 2000 players from around the world – all vying to take home EVO 2017’s top prize, and a boat-load of cash. While the number of entrants into EVO 2017’s SFV tournament is down significantly from 2016’s competition, it is still an increase over the numbers that the game’s predecessor; Ultra Street Fighter IV saw in its final year of play in 2015.

EVO 2017 will be taking place July 14th – 16th from the Mandalay Bay convention center (and arena) in Las Vegas, Nevada. You’ll be able to catch the Street Fighter V top 8 on ESPN2, starting at 10:00pm EST Sunday, July 16th. You can also catch that tournament, as well as the rest of the games being played at EVO 2017 on Twitch.

NerdBacon will be on the ground at EVO 2017, so be sure to check back for live reports from the tournament, as they unfold.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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