Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake – An Interview with Aryoksini

Super Mario 64 is arguably one of the most important releases in the history of gaming. Making its debut on the Nintendo 64 during the beginning of the 3D age of gaming, Super Mario 64 helped set the standard for how a platform game should look and feel in a 3D space.

Now, almost twenty years after its release, a group of hobbyists is working together to introduce this beloved classic to the HD age of gaming.

Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake is a fan-made project, not supported or endorsed by Nintendo in any way. They are working on providing a facelift for the world, the characters, even the soundtrack to one of the greatest games ever released.

A video recently released on YouTube shows off some of the work they have accomplished so far, as well as what they hope to achieve as they get deeper into their project.

The gentleman who began the project, who is known as Aryoksini, was kind enough to answer a few questions in an exclusive interview with Nerd Bacon about Super Mario 64 Fan Remake and what goes into this impressive labor of love in.

NB: Let’s start at the beginning – How did the Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake project begin?

Aryoksini: I started this as a learning project, specifically in the programming field.

NB: Why did you decide on Super Mario 64?

Aryoksini: Because I’m a big fan of this particular game, I’m nostalgic, and because it is a big challenge to learn from.

NB: Your group has a diverse set of skills. How did you get started in your respective disciplines? Programming, music, etc..

Aryoksini:  I started doing 3d animation work 10 years ago as a hobby, now I do it as my job, mainly doing logos for tv spots, character animation, 3d rendering, texturing, etc. and I’ve been learning programming for about 2 years.

NB: What kind of programs and tools are you using in the Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake project?

Aryoksini:  Mainly open source software like Blender for modeling/animation, Blender’s internal Game Engine and Python for scripting, Gimp and Substance Painter for texturing.

NB: What other projects have you worked on prior to the start of Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake?

sm64 fr 1

Mario 64 looks glorious in HD – Courtesy SM64 Facebook page

Aryoksini: None, this is my first game.

NB: When did the Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake project begin?

Aryoksini: January 2014.

NB: What have been the most challenging aspects of the Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake project so far?

Aryoksini: The most challenging aspect for me has been to get the physics right, and all the math involved.

NB: I’ll bet. What kind of impact do you want Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake to have on the gaming community?

Aryoksini: I just wanted to show the gamers that with a little bit of passion and dedication, everything is possible.

NB: I’m certain your efforts won’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. Do you have a target for the release of Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake?

Aryoksini: No release date yet. Sorry

NB: What other remakes would you like to tackle in the future?

Aryoksini: I still need to know how far this project can go, but no plans for future remakes yet.


Beyond Aryksini, Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake is utilizing the talents of many other artists, programmers, and musicians in order to reimagine the N64 classic in high definition.

The main group consists of:

Marcus Richter; Moddeling of the environment, characters, and assets, as well as texturing and shading.

Leonardo Fragoso; Character and Asset Texturing.

Florian Popl and Joshua Behrends; Musicians.

Chad Brunsvold and Justin Crouch; Artists and Community Management.

You can keep track of Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake’s progress by following their Facebook page. Aryoksini also provides a live stream of his work on the project over at his page.

If you are interested in lending your time and talent towards the creation of Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake, then you can get in touch with them over at their group page. Currently they are looking for people with skills in 3D modeling, texturing, shading and/or animating, and programming. They are especially interested in folks with programming experience in Python.

It’s exciting and humbling to see a group of dedicated artists come together to help reintroduce such an important title in the history of gaming to a new audience for nothing more than the love they have for that title.

Nerd Bacon will be eagerly following the progress of this exciting fan project.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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