More Supposed Nintendo NX Controller Pictures Have Surfaced

Get the grains of salt ready –

Even more images have surfaced purportedly showing the controller for Nintendo’s next-generation gaming console, currently codenamed NX.

Are you ready to feast your eyes on some pics?

Of course you are!








The new images popped up Wednesday afternoon on Reddit via a user going by Perkele37. It didn’t take long for the story to make its way over to popular gaming forum NeoGaf, where sleuths are currently picking apart and debating the veracity of these latest pictures.


These latest glimpses into what could be tangible Nintendo NX hardware, reveals an almost cell-phone looking device, with only two small analogue sticks embedded within its elongated football shape as a traditional method of control and no traditional buttons, opting to use haptic feedback instead.

This latest revelation arrives on the heels of an initial supposed leak of photo’s we reported on last week that showed a similar version of is claimed to be the Nintendo NX controller.

Perkele37 further clarified that the images he posted were of the prototype of the Nintendo NX controller and not indicative of what the final product will look like once it hits retail

Another aspect that makes this latest Nintendo NX rumor so interesting is that the Editor-IN-Chief of Game Informer magazine, Andy McNamara, has weighed in on the newest batch of photos via Twitter, stating that these photos all match what he is “hearing” in the back-channels about Nintendo’s upcoming console.

The other points, aside from the photos, that were brought up in Wednesday’s post were:

  • Only the upper ‘nubs’ of the sticks move. The bottom part is static (kind of like the circle pad, but it moves along the bottom ‘sphere’.
  • The rollers on the top feel and look pretty much identical to a mouse scroll-wheel. Though I do don’t believe this will be the final design.
  • Haptic feedback is feels like Apples ‘taptic’ engine. Not like regular rumble.
  • 3.5mm headphone jack on the bottom

The third point regarding the controller containing mouse-like rollers is also in line with the claims made last week.

Although these latest tantalizing peeks into what might actually be the Nintendo NX controller look more genuine than last week’s offering, it’s still a possibility that all of this is a well executed hoax.

Just prior to this story going to press, another Reddit poster asserting he was formerly a part of Nintendo’s quality assurance team commented his skepticism over the validity of the alleged Nintendo NX controller.

His argument in favor of these images being a well crafted hoax center on the fact that in both of the supposed leaks, the supposed NX controllers are not secured in any way.

Firstly, if that shit was real, it would be tethered to a fucking desk. Even early / dev 3DSes were locked down. Same with Wii U game pad. Nintendo loves security, so my first hint of bullshit was it not being locked down with heavy cables.”

This poster further supported their case that these are all fraudulent images with the argument that all of the images released thus far look too polished compared to what developers are used to receiving in the way of early development kits.

” [T]his is too smooth for a dev model. Dev wii u and dev 3ds were janky as fuck. This looks like a completed prototype. Maybe the NX is far along but in my experience old models are used for a while – they dont just hand out production models all the sudden. Just from experience – real units didn’t arrive until very late. Before that you had shit that looked like it was taped together.

Hopefully we won’t have to wait too much longer for the mighty Nintendo to put all of this speculation to rest once and for all.

So what do you think? Are you on team #real or are you on team #fake, when it comes to the question of whether or not these are actual photos of the Nintendo NX controller? #letusknow #what #youthink in our #commentssection #below.


Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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