Survive! Mr Cube Arrives for Nintendo Switch

Imagine for a moment, walking in the shoes of a man whose life is shrouded underneath a dark veil of complete and total boredom. Suddenly, a ray of light – a woman –  pierces through that darkness, offering something invaluable: meaning.

Suddenly the world would look completely different. Everything would be new and illuminated. That veil of darkness would give way to light and joy.

Now imagine a chance encounter with a strange fellow who offers you a pill. You make a terrible choice to take this pill and when you wake up, everything that you had fought so long and hard to achieve has been ripped away – because you’ve been transformed into a cube and taken to another world: the cube world.

This is the set up for Survive! Mr Cube, a rogue-light action game that made its way to the Nintendo Switch on Thursday.

Survive! Mr Cube is the inaugural effort of Intragames, a Korean company that has been in business for a number of years, specializing in localisations for a number of high-profile titles from companies like Ubisoft, Bandai Namco, and more.

In Survive! Mr Cube, players will have to persevere against a number of challenges and creatures throughout 25 diverse stages, as they desperately attempt to find their way out of the cube world and back to the joy that is your regular, less angular life.

However, being a “rogue” game, there is a proverbial sword of Damocles dangling above your head should you perish. That’s because if you die, all of your items will be lost except for your gold, forcing you to start gathering the precious resources needed for survival all over again.

A PlayStation 4 version of Survive! Mr Cube has been available on the PlayStation 4 since April of this year, so it’s nice to see yet another unique title make it’s way to Nintendo’s hybrid machine.

We’ll have a full review for Survive! Mr Cube in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, familiarize yourself with the plight of being stuck in the cube world in the launch trailer below.

Have you ever faced a similar challenge of being stuck inside a strange, unknown world, such as the one depicted in Survive! Mr Cube? Tell us the tails of your particular plight in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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