The Swindle Announced for Wii U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

by Cloud3514

LogoCurve Digital announced that they will be developing and publishing Wii U, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of Size Five Games’ procedurally generated platformer The Swindle. They will also be working on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions of the game.

Creator of the game Dan Marshall describes it as a “mixture of Deus Ex and Spelunky.” A mix of stealth and platforming, The Swindle tasks the player with breaking into buildings, hacking their computers and stealing their money in what the trailer describes as “A Steampunk Cybercrime Caper.”

The Swindle was originally announced in 2011, but was quickly canceled because it wasn’t functioning the way that Marshall wanted it to. He reworked the game early last year after being impressed with the results of a prototype reboot he built.

“Early in 2014, I put together a procedurally-generated prototype reboot, reassessed a few things, cuswindle_3t out all the stuff that didn’t really work,” Marshall wrote on the Size Five Games website, “and even in those very early stages with just a rectangle sliding around clobbering other rectangles on the back of their little rectangular heads, it was insanely fun to play, which is why I brought the whole project back from the dead.“

The player takes the role of the leader of an empire of thieves hiring and sending thieves for hire on missions. Like the buildings that they’re breaking into, the thieves are randomly generated.

The music for The Swindle is swindle_8being done by Tobey B. Evans and the art style is the work of webcomic artist Michael Firman.

The console versions of The Swindle are set for release alongside the PC version. The release date is unknown, but Marshall hopes to have the game ready early this year. We hope to have a review prepared as soon as possible.

Images courtesy of Size Five Games.

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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