No Man's Sky was one of the most talked about games at last year's E3 but it would seem that it will return as a hot topic ..
Every gamer knows that The Last Guardian was in production hell for years and it was almost considered completely ..
Sony unveiled an new sweet looking PlayStation exclusive, Horizon Zero Dawn.
Today, Ubisoft unveiled a brand new IP unlike anything that they've published before. This new IP is called For Honor. ..
Assassin's Creed Syndicate is quite possibly one of the most anticipated games of E3 2015 and now we're one cinematic ..
EA had a handful of exciting announcements including Mass Effect and Mirror's Edge but probably the most exciting ..
Microsoft unveiled a massive amount of games as well as a new controller for the Xbox One!
No, you read that right. Minecraft is quite literally going to be holographic in the near future and its going ..
At Microsoft's press conference they showed off the highly anticipate Rise of the Tomb Raider with a fancy, shiny ..
Bethesda's E3 event was full of amazing games that are about to be released in the near future. Games ranging from ..
EA's giving us a Mirror's Edge E3 teaser for what will ultimately end up being for another Mirror's Edge teaser.
E3 2015 is almost here and each company will be jockeying position to try and win your hearts and minds in the great ..
Is Sony confident in their E3 lineup? They are confident enough to announce that they will be screening their press ..
Nerd Bacon is getting ready for E3 2015 in a big way! Check out the complete schedule for all the different press ..
If you could have any wish for E3 2015, what would it be? What if you could have ten wishes? Nerd Bacon's the Watchman ..