Join first-time international traveler ZB as he flies to the other side of the planet to continue his never-ending ..
Mario is back to his part time job being a sports superstar. Is Mario Tennis Aces worth the love? Or is it a double ..
February is Retroary! Welcome to the 3rd annual Retroary event! Come get your taste of gaming's past. Relive the glory ..
We've been covering a lot of Wario lately, haven't we? From his very first appearance in Super Mario Land 2 to Wario ..
Mario's ventures into the world of tennis have always been one of his more well-respected spin-offs, so it would ..
In celebration of Mario's 30th anniversary, we've compiled a list of all of The Bacon's current Mario and Mario-related ..
For the Mario anniversary, I'll be reviewing a basketball game. With my weird review choices, I can't really say I should ..
Mario's Time Machine, another commonly derided title from Mario's line of educational games, is a surprisingly ..
Mario is Missing!, one of a handful of educational Mario games released in the early 90's, features Luigi as the main ..
Super Princess Peach features our favorite damsel in distress in her first - and so far only - starring role. It may not be the next ..
Nerd Bacon's News Director, The Watchman, interviews Aryoksini, a developer behind Super Mario 64 HD Fan Remake. ..
Nerd Bacon newcomer Earthboundmother reviews one of Mario's oddest entries: Super Mario Bros. 2. When looking towards ..
Platform: Nintendo 3DS Developer: Nintendo EAD Group 4 Publisher: Nintendo Release Date (NA): August 19, 2012 ..
Mario Kart DS is the first-ever Mario Kart game released on the DS, and it was an immediate hit. The revolutionary ..
Platform: Nintendo 64 Developer: HAL Laboratory Publisher: Nintendo Release Date: April 26, 1999 Genre: Fighting ..