Things to know about Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is going live all over the world heralding a new age of popularity for Augmented Reality games. But with it comes the darker side of gaming. Here are some of the things we think you should know about living in a world with Pokemon Go.  And before you start commenting: Yes, we know some of these are photoshopped, but they are still funny, so we included them.  Enjoy

1) Be warned that shooter fans are playing this game between their 360-no-scope teabag festivals. Do not get between them and their Pokemon!

2) Pokemon Go WILL interfere with your work.

3) Thought you had bug problems? Wait till you see your Pokemon infestations in your food

4) You will Never poop alone again

5) Speaking of Pooping… Worst Gym Evar!!!11!one

6) Remember to try to be cognizant of your surroundings to avoid trespassing charges

7) … or avoid traffic accidents or tickets

8) Have patience as you might not find pokemon around you all the time

9) Remember: If it’s too good to be true, it is. STRANGER DANGER!

10) Diglett doesn’t give a fuck. Diglett digs through what he wants.

11) Ghastly isn’t much better

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12) Apparently my pants are a great place to catch Pokemon.

13)  Had a one-night-stand last night, and now it burns when I pee…

14) Don’t Troll the app, it will troll you back.


Do you have a funny or awesome Pokemon Go image? Mail it to me and we may feature it here.

Written by Variand


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