Top 10 Bacon Related Products

Everyone understands that which is the glory of Bacon – except for poor, foolish, deprived vegetarians – and we here at Nerd Bacon think even more highly of this delectable treat.  If you’re like me, then you wish you could have more bacon.  If you’re still more like me, you want to surround yourself with all the bacony things you can find.  If you’re exactly like me, you’ve even considered wearing it!

Then like me, you may also have had troubles finding stores or vendors that cater to our life choices and fashion statements.  So to help out my fellow Baconeers, I’ve thrown together this list of the Top 10 Bacon Related Products to help you live the dream!

Mature Content Warning:  If you’re easily grossed out, offended, or just a prude, you might want to skip this top ten.  There are some things in here that might not be appropriate for “polite society”.

#10 Bacon Related Product



Written by Variand


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