Top 5 Mortal Kombat X X-ray Moves (with Video)

Mortal Kombat X - X-Rays

So far we’ve taken a look at several aspects of Mortal Kombat X, including fatalities, brutalities, and even the worst fatalities.  Now we’re moving on to X-rays, high powered moves introduced in MK 2011 that sap roughly 30% – 35% of the opponent’s health.  Performed in slow motion and showing off the innards of the recipient, X-rays are a fun addition to the franchise’s gore as well as a practical means by which less-experienced players can gain the edge.

The X-rays have received some criticism for being unrealistic; many of them showcase elaborate stabbings, the breaking of necks, and bladed objects inserted into the eye sockets all for the opponent to get back up again and continue fighting.  Although I do sometimes question the rationale behind these choices, many of them are awesome looking nonetheless.  So why only 5?  Well, currently there are 27 playable characters in MKX – 3 available for purchase, 1 unlockable, and 23 others available from the beginning.  Each player only has one X-ray move, so I felt that a full “Top 10” would be excessive in that it would include over one third of all possible X-rays.

Quite frankly, I chose these 5 based on how cool they looked and how creative they were.  There was nothing all that intricate or complex to deliberate over, just pure visceral thrill.  Let’s get to it!

Note:  After cutting and watching the video, I noticed some stutters that occurred during the original broadcast as well as a couple of dips in quality.  I’m going to go ahead and put this out there in the interest of keeping our Mortal Kombat X momentum going, though I will also attempt to capture a higher quality version of this material in the near future.

5.  Ferra/Torr – Bone Crusher

Although having a rider and her mount as a character has done little to change the actual physics of gameplay, it does make for a fun visual spectacle.  Watching these two pull of things like footsweeps and throws in novel ways is a nice little treat and the same goes for Ferra/Torr’s X-ray.  The greatest bit of Bone Crusher is watching Ferra sprint up Torr’s back, leap into the air, and not simply gouge out the opponent’s eyeball, but actually displace it.  Fun and gruesome!

4.  Quan Chi – Skull Krusher

As Mortal Kombat’s new sorcerer extraordinaire, Quan Chi has been doing a lot of interesting things during this installment.  His Skull Krusher X-ray is elaborate and makes good use of his portal-channeling abilities.  Watching him effortlessly disregard the laws of time and space as we know it while pummeling his victim easily earns this one a spot on the list.

3.  Cassie Cage – Testi-Kill

This one certainly hits home with a lot of males….hard.  Testi-Kill pushes some major boundaries, perhaps moreso than any of MKX’s finishing moves.  Featuring a clear shot of bursting testicles (in the male characters), this X-ray dares to push the envelope.  Brutal as it is, there’s more to come.  Cassie then delivers two point-blank shots to the front of  the skull, making this one of the harshest X-rays ever to befall a kombatant.

2.  Raiden – Shock Therapy

Shock Therapy is one of those X-rays that just looks great.  It’s grandiose, spectacular, and befitting of a god.  It’s pretty hard to top sending one’s opponent flying into the clouds for a massive shock and then falling back to earth with a crash landing over Raiden’s knee.

1.  Sub-Zero – Deep Freeze

It’s hard to top Sub-Zero’s X-ray in terms of sheer creativity.  I’m not sure how someone thought of this, but it’s disgustingly brilliant!  Sub-Zero crushes some abdominal organ (I’ve always imagined it as the pancreas, but maybe the liver?  or stomach?) and as he pulls back, freezes the blood and tissue into a giant icicle…which goes straight to the brain via the eye socket.  How inventive!

Well, that’s it, Mortal Kombat X’s 5 best X-rays according to yours truly.  Agree?  Disagree?  Tell us what your favorite X-rays are!  Are there any other MKX-related countdowns you’d like to see on Nerd Bacon?  Let us know in the comments below!

Also be sure to check out our other MKX articles:

Written, played, and edited by The Cubist

Written by The Cubist

The Cubist

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Find out what these ratings mean and how I rate video games.

I collect as much video gaming paraphernalia as I can get my hands on, especially when it comes to hardware. With over 40 systems including oldies like the ColecoVision and Intellivision, obscurities like the CD-i and 3DO, and the latest and greatest including the Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, 3DS, and PS Vita, I get easily overwhelmed. Most of the time you can find me firmly nestled sometime between 1985 and 1995 when it comes to my games of choice, but I’m also having a great time seeing what the 8th generation has to offer.

Currently in love with: Mortal Kombat

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