downloadPlatform: PC (HTC Vive)

Developer: Electric Hat Games LLC.

Publisher: Electric Hat Games LLC.

Release Date: May 18, 2017

Genre: Platforming, Racing, Virtual Reality

Nerd Rating: 10 out of 10!

The developers over at Electric Hat Games LLC were kind enough to supply me with a review copy of TO THE TOPbut when I booted the game up, I was not prepared for what I would experience. The best way that I could possibly explain TO THE TOP is by saying that it is what would happen if you put Mirror’s Edge in virtual reality. It is quite possibly the worst feeling game I have ever played in virtual reality, while also being the best feeling game I have ever played in virtual reality.

TO THE TOP is a first-person virtual reality platforming game in which players must race the clock to score the best time (or an acceptable time) to move forward. There are both local and online leaderboards as well for showcasing your scores to the world. In addition to beating the clock, the levels also have collectable crystal-like objects to find. Furthermore, the Steam description of the game makes it a point to say that you can also simply explore the worlds at your own pace (though this will not unlock new worlds). Currently, TO THE TOP has over 30 levels to complete, each differing drastically from the others.

Immediately jumping (quite literally) into the game, I noticed that the world felt real even though it was blatantly not. The color scheme isn’t realistic, nor does it seem meant to be. The blue indication that you can attach to something (similar to that of Mirror’s Edge’s usage of the color red to indicate the same) reminded you at all times that the world you are in is not the real world. In fact, it sort of felt like you were in some kind of simulation that you would see in a sci-fi film. With that in mind, the game is graphically stunning to look at, and awesome to play, albeit terrifying.


To truly explain just how real feeling this game is, allow me to tell you about my experience towards the end of the first level. I was playing the game, my cousin spectating on my monitor, and I just had made it to the end of the first level. I wasn’t aware of whether or not the game would allow me to retry the level, so I decided to navigate my way back to the beginning manually so my cousin could give it a try. In my attempt to climb back down a wall, I instead accidentally flung myself off of the ledge that I was on and down to the platform below.

Although this was a rather small drop in terms of what would happen late in the game, my immediate reaction was to close my eyes and brace for impact. The falling sensation felt so absolutely real and breathtaking that my body acted accordingly, and I was terrified. While you eventually get used to this sensation, it doesn’t completely go away, even towards the late stages of the game. This is why I said above that this game is the best and worst feeling game I have played in virtual reality. It is the best at making everything feel real, and it is the worst because it makes me terrified. (I should probably disclose that I have a fear of heights.)


As you progress in this game and begin to feel more comfortable with the movement mechanics, you truly start to feel, quite frankly, like a badass. Think of some of your favorite platforming superheroes, like Daredevil, and how it would feel to move around like they do. This game will make you feel like you are those superheroes, and it does an amazing job at that. From leaping across buildings, running against walls, swinging onto slides, and grabbing ledges just in time to prevent falling to your death, TO THE TOP will have you doing all the crazy stunts your favorite heroes do.


TO THE TOP also features character customization, which is a nice little goal to aim for when playing, but is ultimately useless since you don’t see your character except when customizing it. That being said, I have to say that I love the mask and look of the default character/game mascot. Overall, there seems to be a lot to unlock for customization and I have yet to unlock it all myself.


TO THE TOP is something that I would honestly consider a necessity for anyone (who doesn’t get motion sickness) with a VR headset. The game masterfully showcases what the virtual reality platform is capable of, and it is the greatest game I have played within VR so far. From creating absolute fear in the player to making the player feel like an invincible badass, TO THE TOP does it all.

Written by Justicescooby


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Hello, I’m Justicescooby! I’ve been playing video games since I was a little kid, and recently I made the switch to primarily PC gaming. I have my own YouTube channel where I upload gaming videos daily, and I am an active member of many gaming communities/forums. I enjoy writing, whether it be my books I never seem to finish, or writing reviews or articles. I am also an aspiring singer and actor, and currently take singing lessons.

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