Transform And Roll Out! – Transformers: Devastation Is Arriving Soon – E3 2015

It is fair to say that developer Platinum Games is now the king of the action genre. They certainly have developed the pedigree required for such a designation; it’s members having been responsible for classic titles ranging from Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe, all the way up to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and more recently, the excellent Bayonetta 2.

The company is now highly in demand, helping co-develop Star Fox Zero with Nintendo and the reboot of NieR with Square Enix, as well as working on their Xbox One exclusive, Scalebound. But Platinum also has another project, on which they are currently hard at work, that should delight fans of action, along with anyone who grew up in the 1980’s. That project is Transformers: Devastation.

Teaming up with Publisher Activision, and under the watchful eye of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance director, Kenji Saito, Transformers: Devastation bears more than a passing transformers-devastationresemblance to the classic 1980’s material on which it’s based. The game has a unique cell-shaded look to it that gives it an authentic, vintage aesthetic. Speaking with IGN yesterday during their E3 2015 stream, Saito said that they took inspiration from the classic television show, as well as IDW comics in order to create a unique take on the Transformers franchise. Lending to that authenticity will be the return of long-time series voice actors like Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime, and Frank Walker as Megatron.

Saito also said that they are putting a lot of energy into making transformation a key part of the combat in Transformers: Devastation. Platinum Games’s signature action ballet style of gameplay was on display in demo shown, with characters such as Optimus Prime and Bumblebee quickly switching from robot form to vehicle form, and using both of those variations as part of their combos.

Check out the full interview and gameplay demo from IGN down below, then get ready to take on the Decepticons when Transformers: Devistation hits store shelves this fall for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC.

Stay tuned to NerdBacon for more info on Transformers: Devastation, as well as all the big news from E3 2015 right here.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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