Try Splatoon for Free this Weekend

Nintendo’s release date for their new arena-based shooter is getting closer and now the house that Mario built is ready to give Splatoon a big pre-launch test.

Nintendo revealed today during a Nintendo Direct that they are preparing to put the Splatoon servers through their paces with the launch of Splatoon Global Test Fire, an open beta that will launch this weekend.

Players wishing to participate in the Splatoon Global Test Fire must first download the free software, which is live now, from the Nintendo E-shop. After that, all you need to do is wait until the beta goes live this weekend. The beta will be available at three different times this weekend:

Friday May 8th – 11:00pm EDT to Midnight

Saturday May 9th – 7:00am EDT to 8:00am

Sunday May 10th – 3:00pm EDT to 4:00pm

Participants in the Splatoon Global Test Fire beta may also encounter some interesting figures wearing lab coats monitoring the event. Don’t worry, it’s testers from Nintendo’s Treehouse who will be studying the event.

This morning’s Nintendo Direct contained a plethora of Splatoon related information, including news on Amiibo unlockable mini-games, brand new game modes and events, and special pre-order bonuses. It was quite a boatload of new intel, so be sure to check out the all Splatoon info in the Nintendo Direct below:

Splatoon will be released for the Nintendo Wii U on May 29th.

Are you excited for the chance to try out Splatoon a bit early? Spread your digital ink in the comments section below

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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