Ubisoft’s New IP For Honor Revealed – E3 2015

Anticipated sequels and reboots are both really exciting when they make their way to the E3 stage but what’s truly magical  are new and unexpected IP’s. Today, Ubisoft unveiled a brand new IP unlike anything that they’ve published before. This new IP is called For Honor.

For Honor is a sword combat fighting game. Not only is For Honor a solid sword fighting game it also doubles as a new multiplayer platform for friends to battle each other head to head the old fashioned way . . . with swords. In For Honor you can choose to fight as the Vikings, Knights, or the Samurai. These groups never historically fought each other, but it does make for some intense gameplay.

For Honor will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, but does not yet have a release date.

Here’s the cinematic trailer and a look at the multiplayer gameplay:

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Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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