-UPDATE- No Man’s Sky To Miss Its June 21 Release Date


In a post late Friday on the official U.S. PlayStation Blog, Sean Murray of Hello Games confirmed that No Man’s Sky will now release on August 9th, 2016.

Murray noted that the game is coming together very well and that he is “excited” for it; however he felt some extra attention needed to be given to a few key elements of the game before he let it go.

“The game really has come together, and it’s such an incredible relief. As we sit an play it now, and as I watch play-testers every day, I can finally let myself get excited. We’re actually doing this.

However, as we approached our final deadlines, we realized that some key moments needed extra polish to bring them up to our standards. I have had to make the tough choice to delay the game for a few weeks to allow us to deliver something special.

After a short delay, No Man’s Sky will launch in North America on August 9, in Europe August 10, and in the UK August 12.”

Rumors That No Man’s Sky would not make it’s original June 21st release date appeared early this week courtesy of Kotaku. One source, an employee of GameStop, provided the news outlet with images of recent marketing material that replaced the June date with a more vague “coming soon” tag.

No Man’s Sky is an enigmatic space-exploration game that features billions of planets, which the game program randomly generates using a complex algorithm. This set of calculations covers everything from topography, to flora and fauna; creating an epic sci-fi experience.

–Original Story–


The promise of being able to explore a nearly limitless virtual universe captured many gamer’s imaginations when No Man’s Sky was first revealed back in 2013.

The almost infinite space-exploration game was right on the cusp of finally being out, with a release date that was scheduled for June 21st.

Whelp...My post E-3 plans of kicking back and exploring No Man's Sky just went up in smoke

Whelp…My post E-3 plans of kicking back and exploring No Man’s Sky just went up in smoke

Sources reporting to the gaming outlet Kotaku have leaked the sad news late Wednesday night that we will all have to wait just a little longer, as No Man’s Sky has suffered yet another delay.

Kotaku reports that multiple sources have confirmed the latest delay; including a source working for retail giant GameStop, who received updates to their marketing materials which obstruct the formerly pronounced June 21 date, with the far more heart-rending, emotional nebula that is the obtuse, “coming soon”.

Sony, who is publishing No Man’s Sky exclusively on the PlayStation 4 and PC, has not made any official comment as of yet, however if there is validity to these reports, then we will probably receive that confirmation sometime Thursday.

If you’re like me and had been eagerly anticipating your chance to explore literally billions of proceeduraly generated virtual worlds, then feel free to lend your voice to the No Man’s Sky broken-hearts support group that we call the comments section.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line, hit me up at thewatchman@butthole.nerdbacon.com
Or follow me on Twitter @DavetheWatchman
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