Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines – PC

Platform: PCbdc5515a5922be3b281e864a8990dd88

Developer: Troika Games

Publisher: Activision

Release Date (NA): November 16th, 2004

Genre: Role-Playing

Nerd Rating: 8 out 10

Reviewed by Kitters

Halloween is coming up and I thought, you know what game I would love to review? Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines! So a few days ago I pulled out my dusty collection of games and thought I would play it again so that while writing this it would be fresh in my mind, and well I got pulled into the game for approximately 72 hours straight before I realized it. So by that you can already see how easily it is to be pulled into this story. Now onto the review! This game is an RPG that is first and third player shooter, though shooting in third person is extremely difficult if you don’t have a mod, but I’ll get to the mods later. As for story, this game has got an amazing one. You’re a vampire doing quests, much like Skyrim but with a much smaller world. You have to drink blood and you get to choose from different clans. The clans are a pretty big decision, because they will determine what perks you get to play the game with.


Brujah – The most savage vampires, and the most trivial slight or annoyance may trigger a howling Brujah frenzy. The Brujah are seen as warriors and are perhaps the most dangerous vampires in a straightforward battle.

Gangrel – Like the Brujah, Gangrel are fierce warriors; unlike the Brujah, Gangrel ferocity does not stem from anarchic rage, but from animalistic instinct. Gangrel have a keen understanding of the Beast in their souls, and prefer to spend their nights in communion with the animals whom they so emulate.

Lasombra – They are some of the most ruthless and manipulative vampires in existence. They value strength and reward those who posses it. Most Lasombra are members of founded packs since it is easier for them to increase their power in this way.heather1

Malkavian – Many of these vampires find themselves pariahs, ostracized by a vampiric society fearful of their random urges and capricious whims, lunatic cackling and feverish rantings lie smatterings of insight, even wisdom.

Nosferatu – While other vampires still look human and may travel in mortal society, Nosferatu are twisted and deformed by the curse of vampirism. Unable to walk among humans, Nosferatu must dwell in subterranean sewers and catacombs. These vampires do not have all the squabbling and feuds that the other clans have because they prefer to work in unison.

Toreador – These vampires are elegant and flamboyant, brilliant and ludicrous, visionary and dissipated. Toreador share the Ventrue’s love of high society, though not for them the tedium of actually running things. Toreador know that their place is to captivate and inspire – through their witty speech, graceful deeds, and simple, scintillating existence. jeanettewtf

Tremere – They were formerly a cabal of human wizards who, hungering for immortal life, wrested the secrets of vampirism from unwilling Kindred. Such vile deeds earned the clan a sinister reputation; even today, certain vampire clans would love nothing better than to destroy the entire Tremere line.

Tzimitze – This clan is as fascinated by the occult as the Tremere are. But do not possess nearly as wide a scope of knowledge. The Tzimitze is a scholarly clan, and most of its members are highly educated.

Ventrue – Elegant, aristocratic and regal. Even in the modern age, the majority of princes descend from Clan Ventrue. They were chosen from nobles, merchant princes or other wielders of power. Although they move in the same social circles as the Toreador, they do not fritter away their existences in frivolity and idle chatter.91499-vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-windows-screenshot-somehow

Now that the clans have been explained I can get into a little talk about the clans I found most useful. First I’ll say the clan I found the most difficult. The Nosferatu, unable to meet any human you have got a serious disadvantage, running through sewers and hiding is really difficult, especially if you want to do some exploring. So push that playthrough off until last if you want to see the game play first. My choice was the Ventrue, who can not feed on rats or bums because they’re too high class. It will make you puke up the blood if you try to feed although sometimes it can be successful. They are really good at talking their way out of situations and confrontation, but if they need to fight they are weak so be prepared. The Brujah and Gangrel are best if you want to just run around and fight anything you can, but you miss talking your way out of things. Because of this type of set up, playing through the story over and over again is not a problem it becomes really interesting to see the character designs and differences. Plus you can always miss a side mission or two so playing through over and over makes you make sure you catch every last quest. vampire_the_masquerade_bloodlines_3_orig

Another thing is mods. This game is pretty good but mods make this so much better. Unofficial patches come out fairly regular and they help fix bugs you may or may not encounter. They also have a slew of re-textures which I highly advise because it makes the game so much more beautiful. This game has decent textures to start with but with the mods it looks so much more realistic.e3_sewer0066

The weapons you can get are pretty ranged, you have several types of guns from pistols to shotguns to snipers; the melee are very interesting as well. You can get a mannequin arm a katana a baseball bat or just use your fists. You also have various powers for the vampire clan you choose, things that will buff up your skills to enable you to pick a lock a level above what you are, or to make your opponent fear you, there’s even one to help heal you. This game is really entertaining and is great for anyone meeting the age restriction. I say this because there are a lot of sexual references and creepy monsters. Overall though, it is a great game, it has great features and the mods make it constant fun.

Reviewed by Kitters

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

  • Never got around to play this game but I’m definitely intrigued.

    Budroo January 18, 2014 7:26 am Reply
  • I got the game cheap on Steam a while ago and finally got the itch to play it. Once I got the patches and tweaks installed to run it in Windows 7 64 bit, it is an impressive game. What strikes me is how different the game plays with the character classes and traits they build up. I have finished it with a Toreador and a Malkavian and am now hiding in sewers as a Nosferatu. The story-line is well-done and some of the missions play well on the retain your humanity angle.

    Mr James A. Cooley November 27, 2013 1:11 am Reply
  • Pingback: Nerd Bacon Celebrates HALLOWEEN!

  • Nice article, i miss this game and the pictures bring back some memories…. good job

    Frzen October 14, 2013 8:27 pm Reply

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