Watch_Dogs Gets Wii U Release Date

Watch_Dogs Wii UDespite us here at the Bacon having mixed feelings about Watch_Dogs (Cloud3514’s review, and_delinquents’ review), when it launched for consoles and PC in May it established its dominance as one of the biggest games of this year. During its first week in sales, Ubisoft reported Watch_Dogs sold over 4 million units world wide and 8 million units by July. On top of that, Watch_Dogs currently holds Ubisoft’s record for biggest first-day sales.

While many of the latest-and-greatest games typically don’t ever make it to Wii U, Ubisoft is making a point to release Watch_Dogs on the Wii U. On Ubisoft’s blog, Ubisoft announced the release of Watch_Dogs for the Wii U as well as a few details on how the game will convert to the Wii U. Not much information was given on specific changes other than that there will be “hardware specific enhancements” that will include an interactive map of Chicago that will be displayed on the GamePad and Off-TV Play which will allow a player to play solely on the GamePad.

Watch_Dogs for the Wii U will be available in North America on November 18, 2014. You can pre-order your copy here for $59.99.

Also, be sure to check out The Watchman’s look at Watch_Dogs Bad Blood DLC.

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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