What to Look Forward to This Christmas Season!

What is Nerd Bacon most excited about this upcoming Christmas season?

Well, we all know that the Sony Playstation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One are on the way and the Nintendo Wii U is currently going strong. With Christmas on the way, all of the major software developers are working feverishly to complete these games so that moms and dads across the nation can wrap these little blue, green, and white disc cases and place them under your big green Christmas tree. It’s an exciting time for a kid, as some of the best games ever are discovered for the first time under said Christmas tree.

Without keeping you waiting any longer, let’s dive right into some of the games the Nerd Bacon team is most excited about this upcoming Christmas Season!

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

Donkey Kong Tropical FreezePlatform: Nintendo Wii U

Developer: Retro Studios

Genre: Platform, Action

Release: November 2013

If anybody remembers the first time they played Rare’s Donkey Kong Country for the Super Nintendo, then they remember that awesome warm and exciting feeling they got! The original DKC series for the SNES was a one-of-a-kind game that offered a fun platforming experience in a new and unique world with stunning graphics and solid gameplay! Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze brings back the fun from Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) except with the use of the innovative Wii U GamePad!

This time around, Retro Studios is given a MUCH stronger gaming system to work with. One that offers visually beautiful 1080p High Definition graphics! The graphics aren’t the only update. The GamePad will also play a major part in gameplay, and we’ll have to wait to see exactly how, but we’re pretty excited about it here at Nerd Bacon.

Worry not folks, the video game legend himself won’t be destroying those baddies alone… Diddy Kong and Dixie Kong return as playable characters in this 1 or 2 player game that will take you back to your Donkey Kong roots. Just like its predecessor, DKC Tropical Freeze will use motion technology as a major factor in gaming, such as shaking the Wii U remote / nunchuck to perform ground attacks and such.

The Donkey Kong Country series is sort of past its prime, but our hope here at Nerd Bacon is that Retro Studios has done enough to keep our large furry friend in the spotlight as one of the best and most fun games out there. Although, not fully developed by Nintendo, Donkey Kong Country IS a Nintendo exclusive franchise and can either be part of the solution or part of the problem moving forward. Every system needs their exclusive titles, and Donkey Kong is up there with Mario in Nintendo brand image.

So why are we excited? Because this is a chance to play a retro 2D game with beautiful graphics, recognizable/lovable characters, and that side-scrolling action we fondly remember.

What can we expect? We can expect solid platforming action and updated animation with a special attention to detail in each level. The backgrounds are stunning and the sprites are fluid in every aspect. DKC Tropical Freeze will keep you happy and entertained!



Super Mario 3D World

Super Mario 3D WorldPlatform:  Nintendo Wii U

Release Date (NA):  November 22nd, 2013

Developer:  Nintendo

Genre:  Platformer

While both New Super Mario Bros. Wii and New Super Mario Bros. U feel a bit too much like an updated combination of Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World, Super Mario 3D World ought to be a fresh and exciting experience based on the amazing 3DS release, Super Mario 3D Land.  If you’re one of the ones who rushed out to get the Wii U last November like I did, I imagine you’re anxiously awaiting for Nintendo to open the flood gates for their first-party titles.  This past year we’ve only gotten a handful, including the aforementioned Mario game, New Super Luigi U, Pikmin 3, Game and Wario, Nintendo Land, and a remake of The Legend of Zelda:  The Wind Waker originally for the GameCube and now presented in HD.  It seems like Nintendo would rather focus on porting 20 and 30 year old games to their Virtual Console and releasing amazing games for the 3DS (Paper Mario Sticker Star (November 2012), Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, and Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and the upcoming Mario Party: Island Tour) and leave us who’ve waited patiently with our Wii U’s out in the cold.

Finally it looks as if 2014 is going to be the year for the Wii U to shine (and it better against stiff competition from Microsoft and Sony) and we’re off to a great looking kick off in Q4 of 2013.  3D World is, for a split second, going to remind us of the off-beat Super Mario Bros. 2 (well, for those of us old enough to remember at least).  Four different characters are playable: Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad.  They each have slightly different characteristics when it comes to running and jumping, and yep, you guessed it, these attributes are lifted straight from Super Mario Bros. 2.  3D World will also support 4-player gameplay in a 3D environment and I can’t wait to see it action.  GamePad functionality is also promised, such as rubbing the screen to reveal secret items.

With new Mario games comes new powerups, and this time it looks like we’re going to have a bell that dons the player with a cat suit that will let them climb walls and run faster.  Additional gameplay info is limited, but anyone who’s played through 3D Land on the 3DS ought to be counting the days until November 22nd. (And no, not for the XBOX 1.  My NES has lasted 23 years, my 1st BRAND NEW 360 lasted maybe 5.  Atari said it best, “DO THE MATH!”)

Why are we excited?  Two big reasons:  The first true Mario platformer for an 8th gen console (New Mario U doesn’t count, I’m sorry.) and simultaneous 4-player mode in a 3D environment.

What can we expect?  3D platforming at it’s finest.  True interaction with depth and perspective a la 3D Land.  Hopefully the best graphics in a Mario game to date, until Galaxy 3 rolls around…

– The Cubist


WATCH_DOGSPlatforms:  PC, Wii U, XBOX ONE, XBOX 360, PS3, PS4

Release Dates (NA):  November 19th, 2013 for Wii U, 360, PS3 and PC; November 15th for PS4; November 22nd for XBOX ONE

Developer:  Ubisoft Montreal

Genre:  Action-Adventure, Stealth

WATCH_DOGS is the first game that has caught my attention in quite some time.  Being that I’m an IT guy from 9 to 5, this game is right up my alley.  I honestly hadn’t even heard of this game until about a month ago (I know, I’m slacking on this shit).  My buddy showed me the open world demo.  My jaw dropped.  I couldn’t believe how astonishing it was.  From the detail in the environment to the act of hacking, I know this game is going to be some serious business.  After looking into this game a little more, I discovered that they worked with Kaspersky in order to make the hacking more realistic.  That’s cool!!  They even got a couple of celebrities to play as non-playable characters that live in Chicago, Aisha Tyler being the coolest.  Well, I only know of two, and the other one is a professional driver by the name of Brad Keselowski, but who really gives a shit about THAT guy.

The plot is basically about the protagonist being an ex-thug who had some family drama and whatnot.  It really doesn’t even matter.  Check out the 14 minute demo and you’ll end up wanting this to be the next purchase you make.  Who needs groceries and gas when you could buy this instead?  It’s going to be available on the PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, and the Wii U so there is no reason that you won’t be able to grab this one.  I will definitely review this one in full when I’m through with it.

– Doobs

Watch Dogs -Nov 19
The whole concept of the game is along the style of some books I like reading, and has had me intrigued ever since it was teased. Possibly might be getting this with a PS4. I’m going to have to review my finances, lol.

Shadow Links

South Park The Stick of Truth

South-Park-The-Stick-of-Truth-E3-2012-TrailerPlatform: Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Windows

Developer: Obsidian Entertainment

Publisher: Ubisoft

Release Date (NA): December 10th, 2013

Genre: RPG, Comedy

I’ve long been a South Park fan. Ever since I was watching Kyle kick the baby in season 1. I was in 5th grade and it was the funniest thing I’d ever seen. I couldn’t believe these kids could say and do such terrible things! And I was amazed at how it was a cartoon that was… BAD and for adults instead of being GOOD and for kids. So I got involved in all of the South Park stuff. I bought South Park for the Nintendo 64, which turned out to be a huge piece of crap. Nice effort though. I also got South Park Chef’s Luv Shack, which was a really funny game but didn’t hold much replay value. And South Park Rally, which was a fun and simple rally racing game in the South Park universe. But none of these games could really encompass the true nature and feel of South Park and were all pretty disappointing as a whole (and individually).

But now, after a long wait, we are getting a true South Park game. From the rumors I’ve heard, this is the first South Park game in which Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the 2 creators and voices of South Park) gave their own personal touch and were heavily involved in the game! This is great news because everyone those 2 genius’s touch, turns to gold! This will certainly be a great day for South Park fans! I am excited for this one and will likely reserve a copy for day 1.

        – NerdBerry

South Park The Stick of Truth
An RPG with the comedy of South Park. Perhaps not a day 1 buy, but worth a look later maybe.

       – Shadow Links

What else is Shadow Links itching for? Check out a short list of some great upcoming titles below!


Batman Arkham Origins – Oct 25

I loved this series at first sight and first play. In the second game they magically made a great game even better. Improving beyond that may be tough, but they have proven they can do it. New villains and a young Batman (and maybe Joker) should make this interesting to watch unfold.

Assassins Creed IV – Oct 29

As good as the Assassin’s Creed series is, I wasn’t impressed with III. I felt more like an inept Hitman than and shadowy assassin. With the greater emphasis on combat lately I fear that the stealth factor and big planned kills might be lost. The demo showed a stealth portion, so maybe some hope remains. Also the flag that comes with my limited ed. is going to be sweet.

Call of Duty Ghosts -Nov 4

cod ghosts

If I had internet and people to play online with, I’d be psyched for the next COD release. We all have to admit that the dogs steal the show in this game.

Ratchet and Clank: Into the nexus Nov 12

Finally Ratchet and Clank return to its core gameplay style since the last release of A Crack In Time in 2009. All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault were interesting ventures, but not truly the style the series is famous for. While it may not be full length, it does come at a decreased price of only 29.99, saving me money during the holiday season.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

While I am not lucky enough to own a DS of any kind, I am eager to see how the sequel to A Link to the Past will do.

Written by Nerdberry


What’s up yall? David “Nerdberry” here! I am the founder of Nerd Bacon and the current co-owner (and CEO) along with partner David “theWatchman!” I hail from North Carolina, hence my love for all things pork! Oh, you’re not familiar with NC? Well I’m not 100% sure, but I am pretty confident that NC and VA lead the nation in pork production. I could be wrong, but even if I am, I still love bacon!

Come enjoy some bacon and games with us yall.

  • Hey ASMODEUS, don’t forget about your NerdBacon team when you get your PS4! 🙂

    NerdBerry October 19, 2013 7:39 am Reply
    • Don’t worry! I’ll be reviewing the titles i get for the ps4 as soon as possible 😉

      Asmodeus October 19, 2013 7:04 pm Reply
  • DK Country Tropical Freeze has been pushed back as well, February 2014.

    The Cubist October 18, 2013 7:04 am Reply
  • Watch Dogs got pushed back???? Probably for the better, I can’t afford a new console at the moment anyway. SHIT! Kind of wish I had a Wii U, as well.

    Doobs October 17, 2013 4:53 pm Reply
  • Getting the PS4 for my birthday. Don’t have a clue what games are gonna be released then, but i’m getting InFamous:Second Son, Watchdogs, Battlefront and Warframe. <3
    When i get it, no-one is gonna see me for weeks.

    Asmodeus October 16, 2013 1:56 pm Reply
  • Annnnnd time to cancel that PS4 preorder. Money saved now for a later date.

    Shadow Links October 16, 2013 12:08 pm Reply
  • WHAT?! Damn. That suuuucks! I watched the 14 minute developer walkthrough with Doobs and we were super hyped on it

    NerdBerry October 16, 2013 12:17 am Reply
  • Aaaannnndd Watch Dogs got pushed back to 2014.. Time to reevaluate my PS4 day shopping list…

    The Watchman October 16, 2013 12:10 am Reply
  • Wow! I second pretty much everything on that list. Watch Dogs looks like it’s going to be a must buy for the PS4. My girlfriend LOVES Assassins Creed, so I think Black Flag will be a day one buy. I’d also through Drive Club into the mix. It’s free with a PS Plus subscription and has a pretty good team behind it. I don’t expect it to come close to Forza 5, but I’m hoping for a good looking and engaging racer.

    The Watchman October 15, 2013 1:51 am Reply

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