The Wolf Among Us – PC

The Wolf Among Us

Mirror Mirror tell me which of these games deserve Nerd Bacon’s praise?

That’s easy Bigby, they want to praise the Wolf Among Us!

the-wolf-among-us-episode-1-faith-pc-coverPlatform:  PC

Developer: Telltale Games

Publisher:  Telltale Games

Release Date (WW): October 11th, 2013

Genre:  Adventure, Point and Click

Nerd Rating:  9.5 /  10

Reviewed by Kidd


The Wolf Among Us is based on Bill Willingham’s graphic comic book series, “Fables.”   Set in modern day Manhattan, the city is known as Fabletown. Taking place in 1986, the game has a lot to offer with its community of fables that have escaped from their homelands due to a take-over from the Adversary. Living in the Mundane World, surrounded by Mundies (normal people), the fables have to stick together. But it’s hard to leave your past behind just like that. Because of that we can see that events in this story are almost inevitable. For example, the cruel treatment and abandonment of the fable’s government towards their commoners, and unimportant fables lead to turmoil. Just like the Beauty and the Beast falling into debt because of their lavish taste and lifestyle, so they have to turn to “The Crooked Man,” the “People’s Savior.” And of course, grudges are still held such as Bigby’s rival, the Woodsman. Hell, who better to have a grudge than the Big Bad Wolf, and the Woodsman?

Right from the beginning you are thrown into your sheriff role as Bigby Wolf, Fabletown’s only sheriff, and peacemaker. Through the game, and every choice you make during each episode you start, it truly depends on your actions on whether Fabletown will fear you or love you. Fear may not come with respect, but it will be easier then going peaceful and letting some people walk all over you. And the game will often remind you that silence IS golden, but I prefer letting the wolf out, if you will.


When the game starts up, and you start episode one, you’re investigating a disturbance at Mr. Toads apartment complex, and who else but your rival the Woodsman is there to piss you off? No matter what you do you end up fighting the fool, leaving an axe in his head and him still walking off. After that you meet Faith, a streetwalker, but albeit cute and charming, who doesn’t think you’re as bad as everyone thinks. Right from the start, you can instantly see how your actions will affect the gameplay. You choose what to say in each situation, and during fighting scenes it’s absolutely crucial to pay attention, unless you want that wrong click or button to be your last one. After talking with Faith, and giving her money if you decided to be nice she runs off and goes to her “Manager,” and it’s not so long until you see her again.

ss_cf263a545dbf1f3f60ca5fe19cbcbdff8a4bfcfc.1920x1080Coming back to the smallest apartment in Fabletown, your old buddy Colin is there to mooch off your booze, your cigarettes, and complain about how your mean ass huffed and puffed until his house was blown down. But good lord, did I absolutely love that little ole’ piggy. Everything seems so daunting and grim in Fabletown you just can’t help but fall in love with the characters and feel bad for all their hard times, wishing they were back in their happy little homes. And if this wasn’t bad enough, the fables being in ruins and turmoil, you’re woken up by Snow White and led out to the entrance of the office building to see Faith staring back at you.


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Uh-oh. There’s been a murder in Fabletown. And who else but your beloved friend and streetwalker, Faith? As the sheriff it is your job to find out what happened through Fabletown. Mysteries are unlocked, secrets are uncovered, and there’s truly nothing you can do in some situations where your life is absolutely on the line. Like I said, it’s ultimately your choice to let the wolf out or keep him locked up. Just remember, the more dangerous you are, the more trouble you cause, and the more it will come back to haunt you and your psyche.  In addition to letting the wolf out, will you surrender to Snow White’s bureaucratic wishes and send your friends Colin and Mr. Toad to the farm for not having a glamour and not being dressed as mundies?


The game really does tailor to your decisions, from seeing so many commentaries and gameplays, depending on where you go first, it really does matter. In this screenshot, you have to decide where to go before Crane meets with a witch. You can either investigate his office, Tweetle Dee and Tweetle Dum’s office, or the Trip Trap. Depending on which evidence you get and where you decide to go first, hopefully you don’t waste all your time and find out where the action is going down and how to stop it.


Even more your actions and decisions can enrage people and send them away, or even after you. Even when you’re friendly to somebody, someone else is going to be pissed off at you, so you can never really win with the people. In the end it’s useless to try, at least in my opinion it is. You can’t please them all, I say. Throughout this graphic adventure there are five episodes which if you really get into it, it will take less then two days to complete. And when you get to the end of this investigation with as many questions as I did, you’re just going to have more, trust me.

There are many enemies too, including the sleaze-ball Georgie, the Jersey Devil, Bloody Mary, and even the Crooked Man, not to forget, the brothers Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. I in fact loved everything about this bloody game: the cinematic clips, the comic book style, the dialogue, the lore, every single damn thing. I just wish they had given me more, and I wish I still didn’t have so many questions.

There are five episodes in total, each one more exciting than the last, and it’s hard not to continue the next one after completing one, so beware!

Now, it’s up to you. Will you let the wolf out, or try to please all the people of Fabletown? Go check it out at Telltale’s site – Here.

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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