Top 10 Worst Controllers

9.  PlayStation Portable (PSP)

Ok, so maybe number 9 on my list is a bit of a stretch, but I couldn’t let the PSP get off the hook that easy.  Sony has been known for having a relatively changeless remote during its time on the video game scene, so it’s surprising that the PSP was such a monster when it comes to control.  For the most part we’re left with a handheld that resembles any other PlayStation controller except for the left side.


PSP Analog NubFor movement and control, the PSP gives us both a D-pad and an analog “nub.”  Neither of these are very satisfying.  The D-pad is stiff and too big, and doesn’t seem to operate with the ease of other Sony products.  The major misstep though?  That little “nub.”  It looks friendly enough at first, but make no mistake, the nub is not your friend.  Once again the would-be stick feels stiff and imprecise with its movements as if there’s too much plastic-on-plastic action.  The surface of the nub is convex with some crosshatching to aid with grip, but the raised design makes the user prone to slips and at times unable to take quick action.

Although the PSP is a competent and worthy machine overall, the “nub” was a huge mistake.  Luckily for us Sony put in all the necessary work and then some for their next handheld, giving us the amazingly powerful and damn near flawless PS Vita.

Written by The Cubist

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