
chronosloth playstation 3Alias: ChronoSloth

Real Name: Justin


PSN ID: CloudStrife37

Nintendo Network: CloudStrife37

Primary Systems: PS4, PS3, 3DS, Wii U, PS2, PS, SNES, NES, N64

Favorite Series: Metal Gear Solid, Donkey Kong, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Yakuza, Suda51 Games, Fallout

Reviews and Articles: Click Here

Hello fellow video game gourmets! I, ChronoSloth, craft together poorly written deeply analytical reviews with diction and wordplay of the likes you’ve never seen. I also write up news articles when anything interests me in particular, or I think something is important to our wide, wonderful audience. I love Italian food and Japanese games. And I love you too.

As I am one of the elite members of the Nerd Bacon squad, I’m obviously passionate about video games. I’ve been that way for quite some time. Here’s a photo of me, looking studly at the age of 6, having just gotten past the Temple of the Ancients in Final Fantasy VII.

chronosloth kid final fantasy vii

My “Cloud just gave away the goddamned Black Materia” face.

While video games are pretty much my life (I work at a video game retail store, play them when I’m not there, write about them in my remaining spare time), I enjoy other activities. When I’m not hugging PlayStation systems or destroying people in fighting games, I take pleasure in kissing beautiful women while wearing fake mustaches and conquering (6ft) mountains of snow.

chronosloth kiss

My masculinity is so powerful that all near me sprout facial hair.


chronosloth mountain

King of the World

In all seriousness, thank you so much for visiting and reading Nerd Bacon. I’m quite proud of what our team has done with our only resources being our own wit, skill, and an unwavering love of video games and breakfast meat. Chances are, if you’ve made it to, and are reading my bio, you’re doing quite a bit of site spelunking. Please do continue to explore Nerd Bacon! There’s plenty of obscure games to learn about and features to entertain you. More will be coming every day!

chronosloth donkey kong