ZeRo Rides off into the Sunset – Legendary Smash Player Takes a Break

Super Smash Bros virtuoso, ZeRo (real name Gonzalo Barrios) has announced that he is stepping away from the competitive world of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

In a lengthy diatribe posted to his Twitter account, ZeRo credited Smash 4 for providing him with his greatest successes, but also cited a long-developing lack of passion for the game, growing resentment towards playing, and the desire to try his hand at other endeavors among the reasons for his decision to stop competing for now.

[I] just don’t have that fire that I used to have for Smash 4ZeRo stated in his letter to the Smash 4 community. “I was anxious to play new strong players and test my strategies and techniques… but nowadays, I pretty much have to force myself to do it.”

He also talked about the mental grind it takes to prepare for tournaments, and maintain his position as the top Smash 4 player in the world as other reasons for taking a hiatus.

ZeRo steps away from Smash 4 tournament play as the game’s most dominating figure. He boasts a legendary winning streak that lasted a full year during the 2014-2015 tournament season, and he closed out 2017 as the number 1 Smash 4 player in the world.

During his time off, ZeRo said that he plans to continue to produce more Smash content as part of his streams and as video on Youtube while he re-charges his batteries.

He also left the door open for future tournament play, stating that he “anticipates” that he will return once the next iteration of Smash arrives on the Nintendo Switch – which could come as later in 2018.

While the world’s most prolific Smash player takes a rest, the big question is: who will step in and fill his shoes until he returns?

That question will provide some fascinating answers as the Smash 4 tournament scene makes its way through 2018.

What are your thoughts on ZeRo stepping away from tournament play? Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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