We all remember the console wars between Sega and Nintendo, but who is winning the modern day battle between Microsoft ..
Two Crude Dudes makes just as good a time capsule as it does a side-scrolling beat 'em up game. Simple and cartoonish ..
In the genre of platformers, it's no question who had the best games on the Genesis. However, Flicky proves to be fun and engaging ..
Who doesn't love a tasty strip of bacon in the morning? But, are you eating the right brand? Are you missing out without ..
Socket had potential but its poor level design, flawed controls and shameless similarities to the Sonic the Hedgehog ..
Surgical Strike is one of many FMV games that failed to make the genre a thing. While not the worst of the bunch, ..
The console wars have returned and the Xbox One is off to a bad start. Can it come back or will the PS4 emerge ..
A vibrating controller adds to the gaming experience, but not when you can't control it. Sega's version of the Rumble ..
Chuck Rock came out at a time when platformers were everywhere and it has everything you want in the genre. The music ..
Never before has a game this fun been this frustrating. Super Magnetic Neo is about as original as they come, but set a lot of time ..
Sega Swirl is a good way to stretch the brain muscles, but not great for hours of binge gaming.
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective does a good job of piecing together mysteries worthy of its namesake, but the process ..
Gone are the days when we set inches from our televisions. Adding an extra 6 feet to your controller with the Dreamcast ..
Check out the Handy Boy. A wild Game Boy peripheral that could only have existed in the intergalactic times of the 90s. ..
Re-living Asteroids for the Atari 2600. One of the games that helped define a generation and carry on the gaming ..