Anyone who thinks New Super Mario Bros 2 is simply treading old waters hasn't given it enough of a chance. While ..
In the genre of platformers, it's no question who had the best games on the Genesis. However, Flicky proves to be fun and engaging ..
Final Exam could have benefited from a little more attention to detail in the controls and originality departments, ..
Socket had potential but its poor level design, flawed controls and shameless similarities to the Sonic the Hedgehog ..
First Castlevania too hard? Then avoid Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, because things haven't changed much. The graphics ..
The RPG elements add a whole new dimension to the platforming genre, but solving puzzles can be difficult without ..
Chuck Rock came out at a time when platformers were everywhere and it has everything you want in the genre. The music ..
Never before has a game this fun been this frustrating. Super Magnetic Neo is about as original as they come, but set a lot of time ..
Games don't get much harder than Castlevania. But they don't get much more rewarding either.
If we were to tell you this game was any good we wouldn't be able to afford the bandwidth our nose would take up.
The Cubist reviews Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, the original GameCube release.
Well, this game sure does have a hell of a title. Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 is an enhanced version ..
NerdBacon's The Cubist reviews Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz for the PlayStation Vita! Is this game super? Or as good ..
NerdBacon's The Cubist reviews Donkey Kong Jr. for the NES. So, it's modern Donkey Kong's dad who's never seen ..