Hazardous blizzards, ground shaking volcanoes and rising sea levels; the world is alive in Civilization VI: Gathering ..
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rise and Fall offers some great ideas, but lacks any meaningful strategy and fails ..
From the first stirrings of life beneath water to man taking his first upright steps, you have come far. Now begins ..
God of War takes the slice as 2018's Game of the Year for many, but for some, not every AAA title of 2018 takes ..
Malevolent is the next black, as destruction and terror fall upon the lands to satisfy Evil's thirst. Create dungeon ..
Enter the underground steampunk town and discover grimy goons and witty thugs in Gremlins Inc. You might be the next ..
In a world where video game companies have found money in bringing additions to dead franchises, we have new entries ..
In his long-awaited review of The Banner Saga 3, Nips offers up his opinions on the final installment to The Banner ..
Stellaris is a critically acclaimed 4X real-time strategy game with one goal, conquer the galaxy. With dozens of alien ..
Nerd Bacon's Justicescooby reviews an indie release on the Nintendo Switch, Ironcast. Ironcast is not your average ..
In preparation for the third and final title of the series, Nips reviews The Banner Saga 2. Prepare for an immersive ..
Sharpen you axe, consult the winds of magic, and plunge into the dungeons of Warhammer Quest. This turn-based strategy ..
What happens when you take a mega successful MOBA franchise and spin it off into a Collectible Card Game? Nerd ..
Newbie Baconeer, Poseidon, delves into the war-torn city of Pogoren to bring readers a look into the deep, dark, ..
Have you ever wanted to control the world? Well, good news! Agenda puts you in control over a shady organization ..